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Baby Size this week:

6 Weeks Pregnant is how many months?

1 months and 2 weeks

6 Weeks Pregnant is in which trimester?

First Trimester

How Many Weeks to Go?

36 Weeks

In this week

  • Your Baby's Development in Week 6

  • Keep bath time tears & fears at bay

  • Your Health & Lifestyle in Week 6

  • What to Expect in Week 6

  • Activity in Week 6

Your Baby's Development in Week 6
  • Your baby is eating up a storm these days, taking in a total of 300-800 ml of breast milk or around 500-800ml of formula each day.
  • Feedings should be spread out to every three to four hours or so (probably a little more spread out at night), though demand feeding is still the way to go, especially for the breastfed set.
  • By now you’ve likely seen that adorable social smile your baby is capable of, especially because he seems to be practicing that smile on you again and again! So keep up those loving interactions with your baby — talking, singing and cooing to him — and you’ll all have plenty to smile about.
  • By now your baby has also discovered his best built-in toys — his fingers and toes, which are not only entertaining and fascinating (sometimes for hours!) but comforting, too, as he learns to self-soothe by putting those little fingers and hands in his mouth.
  • Playing with his fingers and toes also helps your baby learn how to control his movements.
  • Another milestone he may be reaching about now: reaching for a dangling object. So be sure to pull out the play gyms so your little one can get the motor-skill and hand-eye coordination practice he needs.

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Keep bath time tears & fears at bay

As your baby grows, they are less likely to sit still during baths and more likely to splash and move. This can increase the risk of shampoo entering their eyes and hurting them. Choose tear-free bath products to keep baby baths stress-free. Try Mylo Baby Body Wash & Shampoo, which:

  • Has tear-free formulation.
  • Gently cleanses head to toe.
  • Retains natural moisture.

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Your Health & Lifestyle in Week 6

Watch video on - Post delivery hair fall: What to do?

Hairfall after Pregnancy

Your hair may have seemed thicker and fuller during pregnancy. This is because high hormone levels in your body made you lose less hair during pregnancy. After your baby is born, your hair may thin out. You may even lose hair. Hair loss usually stops within 6 months after you give birth. Your hair should regain its normal fullness within a year.

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What to Expect in Week 6
  • Take every opportunity to interact with your baby — when you’re changing a diaper, when you’re rocking him/her, when you’re out for a walk or a drive in the car.
  • These casual baby conversations help you learn what makes your baby happy or miserable, excited or bored, soothed or stimulated (or over-stimulated), and it helps your little one learn about you and the world around him.
  • Remember, too, that you don’t need to be endlessly entertaining your baby. Sometimes, just for a change of pace, let baby explore (a mirror, a toy, silence) on his own, without commentary from you.

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Activity in Week 6

Mirrors All-Around: Take the baby around the house. Share your reflection in each mirror. Ask the baby if she sees mommy or daddy. Point to your eyes, ask if she sees them, then ask if she sees her eyes, and point them out, “Here are your eyes!” It encourages the baby to identify herself and helps Soothe baby on your lap. Place the baby across your knees while you are in the sitting position and rub his back while he does a little Tummy Time. Helps you steady baby and keep him calm during Tummy Time.

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