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Baby Size this week:

23 Weeks Pregnant is how many months?

5 months and 3 weeks

23 Weeks Pregnant is in which trimester?

Second Trimester

How Many Weeks to Go?

19 Weeks

In this week

  • Your Baby's Development in Week 23

  • Improve your sleep quality naturally

  • Your Health & Lifestyle in Week 23

  • What to Expect in Week 23

  • Activity in Week 23

Your Baby's Development in Week 23

Watch video on - When should you start giving solid foods to your baby

Introducing solids

  • Six months is an exciting milestone, as your little one is finally ready to try his first solid food.
  • He'll still get most of the nutrition he needs from breastmilk or formula milk, so don't worry if he doesn't eat much at first.
  • The important thing is just to have fun exploring different flavors and textures together.
  • Whether you're opting for baby-led weaning, purees, or a bit of both, have fun with it, and don't put too much pressure on yourself, or your baby.

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Improve your sleep quality naturally

As a new mom, you may not find the time to sleep much but it is essential to get a good night's sleep to recharge and recover. If you're struggling to sleep, then natural alternatives like saffron can help you doze off easily. Saffron's natural compounds help improve sleep quality, making it a valuable addition to your bedtime routine. Try Mylo Kashmiri Saffron , which is 100% pure and safe during breastfeeding and helps to:

  • Improve sleep quality.
  • Reduces stress & mood swings.
  • Boost digestion.
  • Relieve pain & cramps.

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Your Health & Lifestyle in Week 23
  • It's easy to become so focused on what your baby eats that you forget about feeding yourself.
  • But eating well is just as important as ever, now that you need plenty of energy to care for your active little one.
  • There's a reason why breakfast is known as the most important meal of the day.
  • Your body needs a boost first thing to help you get through the morning, particularly if you've had a night of interrupted sleep.
  • Protein such as eggs, or slow-burning carbohydrates like porridge will give you the energy you need for your busy day.

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What to Expect in Week 23
  • Now that your baby has been learning and exploring the world for half a year, he's got an impressive set of skills.
  • Chances are he can imitate sounds, blow raspberries and roll onto his front, though he may not be able to roll back again just yet.
  • Find out what to expect next.
  • If he isn't already, your baby may soon be keen to get mobile.
  • You may see him trying to pull himself along on his tummy.
  • This commando-esque movement shows he’s well on the way to fully crawling.

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Activity in Week 23

Roll Away: When your baby learns to roll over on his own, lay down or wave a toy a little bit away from baby to see if he’ll roll over to get it. It helps baby develop core muscle strength.

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