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37.6 cm


1005 gms

Baby Size this week: Brinjal

Mom, I'm now the size of a large brinjal, and I'm beginning to open my eyes and blink.

28 Weeks Pregnant is how many months?

7 months

28 Weeks Pregnant is in which trimester?

Third Trimester

How Many Weeks to Go?

14 Weeks

In this week

  • Your Ultrasound in Week 28

  • Tame hormonal frizz naturally

  • Your Baby in Week 28

  • Symptoms You Might Feel in Week 28

  • Your Body & Health in Week 28

  • Your Fitness Regime in Week 28

  • Recipe for You in Week 28

Your Ultrasound in Week 28
  • Your baby-to-be's hair can be seen waving in the amniotic fluid.
  • This hair is called lanugo.
  • Unfortunately, we can't predict how much hair your baby will have because they will lose all lanugo before being born, and it will be replaced with the hair we're used to seeing on infants at birth.

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Tame hormonal frizz naturally

This period of your life is marked by hormonal fluctuations, which can change your hair texture and make it prone to frizz and tangles. Using a hair conditioner with plant keratin can help smooth out the frizz and make detangling easier. Choose Mylo Onion Conditioner , which:

  • Softens & detangles hair.
  • Reduces hair fall.
  • Improves dry & wet combing.

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Your Baby in Week 28
  • Your baby has matured so much so that he/she can cry actual tears. Yes, your baby can now produce tears. He/she is also blinking rapidly to keep unwanted particles away from the eyes.
  • As you enter the third trimester, your baby, as though on cue, tries to settle into the birthing position, with the head facing downwards.
  • Your little one now weighs about one kilogram and is 15 inches - length-wise. Although the bones are still very soft, they have almost completely formed.
  • A couple of weeks ago, your baby possessed only one percent of fat in his/her entire body, and at week 28, he/she proudly boasts about four percent total body fat, and the skin appears to be smoother.
  • From this week onwards, your baby's brain will also significantly increase in weight. Between now to the due date, the brain would have increased by 500%.
  • The eyebrows and eyelashes continue to grow as well as the hair on the head. The baby is still breathing in amniotic fluid, quite with ease, one might add.
  • Since the eyes are wide open now, if you were to flash a torch light into your womb, your baby would either squint or look away from the harsh light.
  • The brain is developing steadily and this week activates the thalamocortical complex. The thalamocortical complex brings about consciousness in the baby and is a big leap in the development of the brain. He/she has about 100 billion brain cells already.

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Symptoms You Might Feel in Week 28
  • Nasal congestion : Nasal congestion or that stuffy feeling inside the nostrils is a common symptom during pregnancy. Remember that your body is producing high levels of pregnancy hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, which leads to a significant rise in blood flow through all mucous membranes. This, in turn, results in stuffiness in the nose, and even nosebleeds in some cases. Try saline sprays or nasal strips for some relief.
  • Bleeding gums : You can also call this symptom 'Pregnancy Gingivitis.' Don't you worry, it only sounds scary but, in fact, is a very mild form of gum disease. The hormone party in your body, especially progesterone, is responsible for this. Due to the changes in your system, your gums are comparatively more inflamed and susceptible to bacteria. All you have to do is maintain perfect oral hygiene.
  • Shortness of breath : Do you feel like you are gasping for air every now and then? As your baby is slowly and gradually growing week after week, your uterus is pushing up against your diaphragm. This, in turn, leaves very little space for your lungs to expand. If you are facing a difficult time even while normally breathing, then it is time to rush to the doctor.
  • Dizziness : Your body is suddenly working on overload, and it is probably still getting used to all the blood that has been cruising inside. So, it is only natural to feel a little dizzy now and then. Plenty of water is the key to taking care of this symptom.
  • Gassy & bloated : Feeling gassy or bloated is a common symptom during pregnancy. You can thank the hormonal changes for this one too. Your digestion is slow now though this is to ensure the nutrients are reaching your baby. Remember that slower digestion also means bloating and gas. So, there you have it! Healthy, small meals at frequent intervals and regular exercise will help you here.

Click here to keep your baby warm

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Your Body & Health in Week 28
  • Not much would have changed in the way you feel from the last week to this one.
  • The constant trips to the washroom will once again be part of your daily routine.
  • You may find it harder to breathe this week.
  • As your baby continues to grow in size and take up much room in your uterus, his size begins to overcrowd your diaphragm and lungs, hence making it harder for you to breathe.
  • Along with these symptoms, the previous weeks' symptoms like insomnia, and back and leg aches are also relentlessly increasing.
  • Are you having trouble getting a good night's sleep?
  • Sleeplessness can make your next day tiring.
  • Even if you are not able to sleep well at the night, take naps during the day, whenever you can, and rest well.

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Your Fitness Regime in Week 28

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Recipe for You in Week 28

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