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14.2 cm


190 gms

Baby Size this week: Sweet potato

Mummy, I'm now about the size of a sweet potato—and my tiny fingers now have unique fingerprints!

18 Weeks Pregnant is how many months?

4 months and 2 weeks

18 Weeks Pregnant is in which trimester?

Second Trimester

How Many Weeks to Go?

24 Weeks

In this week

  • Your Ultrasound in Week 18

  • Be kind to your changing body

  • Your Baby in Week 18

  • Symptoms You Might Feel in Week 18

  • Your Body & Health in Week 18

  • Your Fitness Regime in Week 18

  • Recipe for You in Week 18

Your Ultrasound in Week 18
  • You're almost halfway through your pregnancy, and your gynaecologist may request an ultrasound to evaluate the baby's size and anatomy.
  • This ultrasound scan shows a cross sectional view of baby's head.
  • The sonographer will measure baby-to-be's head circumference or biparietal diameter (BPD).

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Be kind to your changing body

Yay! You're halfway through your pregnancy! Time to brace yourself for the numerous body changes coming your way at full speed. But don't forget to be kind to your changing body, listen to its needs and indulge in self-care rituals like applying a body lotion. Moisturizing your body daily can help address pregnancy symptoms like dryness and hyperpigmentation while leaving you calm and relaxed. Try Mylo Ubtan Body Lotion that:

  • Repairs & soothes skin.
  • Brightens & evens out skin tone.
  • Provides 24 hours moisturization.

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Your Baby in Week 18
  • Your baby is now five and a half inches in size and weighs about 200 grams. Your little soldier is now growing rapidly, is he/she not?
  • The nerves in the brain have now advanced to a stage wherein it leads to the baby figuring out the five senses!
  • If at week 16 your baby was able to hear your muffled voice, at week 18, he/she can clearly hear things.
  • Since your baby is still rather small and your uterus big enough, your baby is freely moving about and his movements have increased. You may have already started sensing them and may have been able to distinguish your baby's movements from a mere gas bubble.
  • Just so you know, your baby now has 300 bones in the body. By the time your baby comes out into the real world, the bones would have merged and come down to a total of 206 bones.
  • At this point, your baby is also as big as the placenta, the very same placenta which still provides him with oxygen and nutrients.
  • The placenta also acts as a waste disposal system. It takes your baby's waste and brings it into your bloodstream. This is where it gets filtered through your kidneys and liver.

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Symptoms You Might Feel in Week 18
  • Leg cramps Here, they are again! The much-talked about cramps. Do you feel them more towards evenings? Remember that your leg muscles are probably exhausted from carrying your growing belly throughout the day. Put your feet up and just rest when you feel too tired.
  • Fetal movement You may just mistake the movement for gas bubbles at this stage. Even if you do not feel any movement now, don't you worry. You are going to feel them soon!
  • Bloating Feeling gassy or bloated is a common symptom. While the hormone called progesterone is essential for a healthy pregnancy, it also relaxes the smooth muscle tissues, including the gastrointestinal tract. As the muscles are relaxed, your digestion may slow down, though this is to ensure the nutrients are reaching your baby. But remember that slower digestion also means bloating and gas. So, there you have it!
  • Fatigue Your body is constantly producing and pumping more blood so that the baby gets enough nutrients. Your blood pressure and sugar levels are significantly lower in pregnancy. All these combined with hormonal changes (eg: increased progesterone levels) and other symptoms, such as nausea, are considered as the main cause of fatigue.

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Your Body & Health in Week 18
  • Listen to your body's demands and do whatever it takes to keep stress away.
  • If you have the time and space to fit in a quick nap into your daily routine, go ahead and take a nap.
  • Another good news is coming your way as it is likely that you will now sense your baby move.
  • Remember that some may feel the baby move by 22-23 weeks as well.

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Your Fitness Regime in Week 18

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Recipe for You in Week 18

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  • Mylo Care: Effective and science-backed personal care and wellness solutions for a joyful you.
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