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27.8 cm


430 gms

Baby Size this week: Papaya

Mumma, I'm the size of a papaya. My lungs are developing rapidly, and they will begin producing a protein, which will help me breathe independently once I'm born.

22 Weeks Pregnant is how many months?

5 months and 2 weeks

22 Weeks Pregnant is in which trimester?

Second Trimester

How Many Weeks to Go?

20 Weeks

In this week

  • Your Ultrasound in Week 22

  • Soothe skin irritations naturally

  • Your Baby in Week 22

  • Symptoms You Might Feel in Week 22

  • Your Body & Health in Week 22

  • Your Fitness Regime in Week 22

  • Recipe for You in Week 22

Your Ultrasound in Week 22
  • With the baby crouched and the legs pulled in toward the chest, you can almost see his/her complete profile.
  • Now that the baby is more than 8 inches in length, it's hard to capture the image of baby's entire body..
  • Your baby is about to experience a dramatic weight gain in the coming weeks.
  • For now, he/she is still relatively thin.

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Soothe skin irritations naturally

Besides skin pigmentation, you can also expect skin issues like acne, rashes, itchiness and dryness during pregnancy. Once again the hormonal changes are to be blamed. Instead of using multiple skincare products for these issues, you can simply use aloe vera gel for instant relief. Try Mylo Aloe Vera Gel that:

  • Soothes & cools irritated skin.
  • Treats acne & dark spots.
  • Hydrates & moisturizes skin.

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Your Baby in Week 22
  • Your little one is already about 11 inches and a half. Every new week your baby looks more and more like an actual infant.
  • Your baby now weighs about 450 grams as he/she is accumulating fat all over. Your baby is not the only one who has put on weight though. You too have probably put on about eight kilograms by now.
  • We are confident that by now you have been feeling your little one move and wriggle around inside your body.
  • We are also assuming that you have figured out your baby's sleeping pattern by now. Studies have shown that most babies continue to follow the patterns they observe inside the womb even after they are born.
  • Although their skin is still very translucent and saggy, it will soon start getting thicker. Your baby's skin which appears reddish at this point in time is growing faster than the fat.
  • Your baby is also learning to practice breathing this week onwards as blood vessels in his/her little lungs continue to develop, and the nostrils have two distinct holes on them.
  • Your baby's bone marrow now assumes the responsibility of making blood cells. Up until this point, this task was carried out by the liver and spleen.
  • Your little one's heart, which has been quite famous for beating twice as fast as yours, is growing stronger every day. This ensures that blood is being pumped and circulated throughout his/her entire body.

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Symptoms You Might Feel in Week 22
  • Skin discoloration : Either you are having that radiant pregnancy glow or you might suddenly notice that your face has dark patches! Your skin will be quite sensitive and will react to even minor changes in your surroundings. You may notice small growths and thicker moles on your skin, and certain areas like arms and inner thighs may become darker than the usual color. Your breasts may have become darker too if you notice. Apart from hormonal changes, your diet is also a deciding factor for these symptoms. Most of these marks will disappear after delivery.
  • Bleeding gums : Go easy on sugar, mainly chewing gums and sweets. Do remember to brush twice a day and maintain good dental hygiene.
  • Tingling hands : This is mainly due to the swelling during pregnancy. Do learn to relax your hands if you're at work for too long. Keep changing positions and see if you will like some stressbuster toys for your palms.
  • Bloating : Do you know that pregnancy hormones have an impact on your whole body's functions? The increased production of pregnancy hormones causes the gastrointestinal tract to relax and this slows down digestion. Though this allows the nutrients enough time to get to the baby, you may start feeling bloated because of this. Water intake is key here.
  • Healthy appetite : Do you feel like you can empty your whole fridge just in one meal? Of course, you may be feeling so. Remember to eat right and exercise regularly. Avoid junk food as much as you can.

Mylo's solution to your skin needs

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Your Body & Health in Week 22
  • The 22nd week of pregnancy does bring in some changes as well.
  • You may have noticed that your face now features dark patches.
  • This is called 'chloasma.' Chloasma can be attributed to the hormonal changes in your body as well as to exposure to sunlight.
  • These marks tend to disappear after delivery, so don't worry about them.

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Your Fitness Regime in Week 22

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Recipe for You in Week 22

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At Mylo, we help young parents raise happy and healthy families with our innovative new-age solutions:

  • Mylo Care: Effective and science-backed personal care and wellness solutions for a joyful you.
  • Mylo Baby: Science-backed, gentle and effective personal care & hygiene range for your little one.
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