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15.3 cm


240 gms

Baby Size this week: Mango

Mumma, I'm now about the size of a mango. My legs are now longer than my arms, and I'll start giving you "hello" jabs at regular intervals, which you may be able to feel if this is your second or third pregnancy. First-time moms still might not anything for a few more weeks.

19 Weeks Pregnant is how many months?

4 months and 3 weeks

19 Weeks Pregnant is in which trimester?

Second Trimester

How Many Weeks to Go?

23 Weeks

In this week

  • Your Ultrasound in Week 19

  • Hit the reset button with a shower

  • Your Baby in Week 19

  • Symptoms You Might Feel in Week 19

  • Your Body & Health in Week 19

  • Your Fitness Regime in Week 19

  • Recipe for You in Week 19

Your Ultrasound in Week 19
  • Your baby's legs and arms are developing steadily and adding muscle.
  • You may be able to feel your baby's movements now or within the next week or two.

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Hit the reset button with a shower

Bracing pregnancy pains and fatigue day in and day out can leave you exhausted. Hit the reset button with a refreshing shower and elevate your mood and skin health. Choose Mylo Vitamin C Body Wash that:

  • Cleanses without drying the skin.
  • Brightens & refreshes skin instantly.
  • Reduces pigmentation.
  • Makes the skin soft & glowing.

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Your Baby in Week 19
  • Your baby's body is now covered with something called a Vernix Caseosa. Now, what is the vernix caseosa and what does it do?
  • The vernix caseosa is a layer of a greasy, white substance that protects your baby's skin from wrinkling. It is produced by the baby's oil glands and will most likely disappear by the time you give birth.
  • Your little one has grown to be approximately six inches at week 19 and weighs about 250 grams.
  • Although the tiny and adorable little head has hair sprouting from it already but they will still appear white and pigment-free and the color will be determined in the weeks to come.
  • The cartilages continue to harden and this will help your baby control the limbs better. Your baby's arms and legs are now well in proportion to the rest of the body and movements are slightly more purposeful. The baby is probably already practicing some form of fluid dancing inside the womb.
  • Your little bundle of joy may have developed a sleeping pattern by now. The eyes are still completely shut but by now those tiny eyes are highly sensitive to light.
  • As the body continues to make myelin (the fatty substance that insulates the nerves in the body), your baby has more control of his actions and movements.
  • Myelin helps in sending electrical impulses from the brain to all the other parts of the body. It is safe to say that your little one now has as many nerve cells as you do.

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Symptoms You Might Feel in Week 19
  • Backpain : As your uterus is growing, you may feel that your lower back is under a lot of pressure. Try to not lift anything heavy and avoid sudden movements. And don't forget to rest your back once in a while.
  • Leg cramps : Here they are again! The much-talked about cramps. Do you feel them more towards evenings? Remember that your leg muscles are probably exhausted from carrying your growing belly throughout the day. Put your feet up and just rest when you feel too tired.
  • Increased appetite : You can SERIOUSLY eat. Yes, of course, you have had a dreadful few weeks of food aversions but now it is starting to catch up on you again. The fact that you are perpetually hungry is because your baby is speaking out to you. Your growing baby needs all the nourishment and nutrients it can get to grow. Again, we would like to remind you to eat healthy food on time and never overeat.

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Your Body & Health in Week 19
  • It's common to go through anxieties when you are pregnant. Remember that whatever you are thinking/eating/doing impacts the baby's well-being, not to mention yours too. Don't forget to eat right always, for you and your little one.
  • Do not hesitate to discuss your feelings with your partner/friends/family. Getting your thoughts bottled up will not do much good for you and the baby, so let them out!
  • About now, you may also notice that you have been sweating a lot. Do you also notice that your palms look a bit redder than earlier?
  • Relax, you have nothing to worry about. All these symptoms are due to the increased volume of blood in your body.
  • Getting back to our party talk, we would suggest you wear some lovely comfortable clothing and a great pair of flat shoes while stepping out. You did see that your shoe size is probably bigger now, right?

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Your Fitness Regime in Week 19

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Recipe for You in Week 19

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  • Mylo Care: Effective and science-backed personal care and wellness solutions for a joyful you.
  • Mylo Baby: Science-backed, gentle and effective personal care & hygiene range for your little one.
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