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8.7 cm


43 gms

Baby Size this week: Peach

Mummy, as you enter your second trimester, I will be the size of a peach. All of my internal organs formed during the first trimester, and they will continue to mature from now until I'm born.

14 Weeks Pregnant is how many months?

3 months and 2 weeks

14 Weeks Pregnant is in which trimester?

Second Trimester

How Many Weeks to Go?

28 Weeks

In this week

  • Your Ultrasound in Week 13

  • Address pregnancy pains naturally

  • Your Baby in Week 14

  • Symptoms You Might Feel in Week 14

  • Your Body & Health in Week 14

  • Your Fitness Regime in Week 14

  • Recipe for You in Week 14

Your Ultrasound in Week 13

In this profile shot, notice that the baby-to-be is lying with the bottom on the left-hand side of the image and the head to the right.

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Address pregnancy pains naturally

Around this time of your pregnancy, you may experience bouts of round ligament pain, achy joints and swelling. While the old you may have popped a pill to ease the pain, the new you is growing a life inside her so stay away from OTC painkillers. Gentle massages can help reduce your pain. Try Mylo Pregnancy Massage Oil , made with Ayurvedic ingredients, that:

  • Relieves muscles, joints & body pain.
  • Restores body strength.
  • Lightens stretch marks.

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Your Baby in Week 14
  • This week your baby's body is covered with 'Lanugo'. Lanugo is a very fine, very thin, almost negligible layer of hair on your baby's body. It will stay on for a good few weeks, and only disappear a few weeks before the baby is born. It also helps in regulating the baby's temperature.
  • In other development news at week 14, your baby now measures up to about three and a half inches in length and weighs about 45 grams.
  • Along with producing bile from the liver, the thyroid gland has now matured.
  • Here is some more exciting news! Your baby's arms have grown in length. Your baby no longer needs to keep their head down and look sad and lonely as the neck is also growing and longer than before. The baby can now lift his/her chin from their tiny little chest.
  • Your baby is already making faces inside the uterus. Brain impulses will have your baby squinting, smiling, etc. and making random facial expressions too. They grow too fast, right? But hey, that is brilliant news!

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Symptoms You Might Feel in Week 14
  • Round ligament pain : The more your belly grows, the more the ligaments stretch, thus the increasing pain. To ease this pain, wear a belly belt tailored for this stage. Do not make any quick or sharp movements. Put your feet up as it helps in reducing the pain.
  • Blurred vision : It may sound rather odd, but the water retention in your body impacts your vision too. Another reason for all the haziness is the changes in your metabolism, hormones and the overall circulation of blood inside.
  • Sex drive : Hormones are also famously known to be increasing your sex drive. Another reason you are feeling friskier than usual is due to the increased blood flow in your pelvic area. Safe sex and no regrets!
  • Nose blockage/bleeds : Your nose still feels blocked and occasionally bleeds. The pregnancy hormones are responsible for making your blood vessels weaker. This combined with the increased blood flow, are mainly the reasons for these symptoms. Just let it pass, will you?

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Your Body & Health in Week 14
  • Are you also forgetful these days and blanking out quite easily?
  • Well, popularly known as 'Pregnancy brain,' it is the perfect excuse for you to get away with almost anything!
  • If anyone dares to question you about the forgotten car keys or shopping bag, just tell them, 'It is not me! It is my pregnancy brain!'

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Your Fitness Regime in Week 14

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Recipe for You in Week 14

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