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Baby Size this week: Green Olive

Ma, I'm about the size of a green olive and can stretch my spine. My eyes and eyelids are more developed and my eyebrows are beginning to grow.

10 Weeks Pregnant is how many months?

2 months and 2 weeks

10 Weeks Pregnant is in which trimester?

First Trimester

How Many Weeks to Go?

32 Weeks

In this week

  • Your Ultrasound in Week 10

  • Keep digestive issues at bay

  • Your Baby in Week 10

  • Symptoms You Might Feel in Week 10

  • Your Body & Health in Week 10

  • Your Fitness Regime in Week 10

  • Recipe for You in Week 10

Your Ultrasound in Week 10
  • In your 10 week pregnancy ultrasound, you'll notice that your baby-to-be is looking more and more like a newborn.
  • The baby’s arms and legs are visible, and a recognizable profile can be seen.
  • The bright white areas you notice are facial bones.

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Keep digestive issues at bay

Gas, bloating and indigestion are fairly common during pregnancy. This happens as your uterus expands, which can slow down the movement of food. To accelerate digestion and provide instant detox, you can try Mylo Apple Cider Vinegar Tablets that:

  • Boost metabolism.
  • Aid digestion & detox.
  • Improve gut health.

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Your Baby in Week 10
  • At 10 week pregnancy, your baby's organs and tissues are cultivating quite swiftly. Your little one is now a little bigger than an inch and since he/she is still so small, they can freely move about in your protective amniotic fluid.
  • Although their eyes are still shut, their face is starting to look a lot more human-like than the week before.
  • While last week saw your baby grow a tiny little tongue, this week gives way for his permanent tooth buds. This leads us to mentioning that your baby now has a proper jawbone too.
  • Your baby's head is now more proportionate to the rest of his body and their wrists and ankles have taken shape too.
  • Their arms have grown so much and he/she can bend their arms at the wrist. The fingernails have sprouted up in week 10.
  • Your baby now also has very thin hair on the skin.
  • The liver, kidneys, intestines, brain and lungs are fully formed and functional now. The basic divisions of the brain are now clearly marked out and at one end of the spinal cord, neurons appear.
  • At this stage your baby is able to swallow liquids and produce digestive juices as well.

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Symptoms You Might Feel in Week 10
  • Clearly visible veins : Don't worry, this is nothing to be alarmed about as it goes away on its own sweet time. The increased blood flow is responsible for all the visible veins. Love these visible veins as they are delivering nutrients and blood to your baby.
  • Round ligament pain : The more your belly grows, the more the ligaments stretch, thus the increasing pain. To ease this pain, wear a belly belt that is specially meant for this stage. Do not make any quick or sharp movements. Put your feet up as it helps in reducing the pain.
  • Dizziness : Your body is working on overload and it is probably still getting used to all the blood that has been cruising inside. So, it is only natural to feel a little dizzy often. If you have a sudden spell of light-headedness, immediately lie down or sit in a comfortable position. Drink healthy liquids and give your body some sugar. Do not hesitate to ask for help, wherever you are.

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Your Body & Health in Week 10
  • Along with the common 10 week pregnancy symptoms like nausea, mood swings and constant fatigue, there are a few new changes that you will notice.
  • By the tenth week, your jeans will seem a little tighter and your breasts will have significantly increased in size too.

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Your Fitness Regime in Week 10

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Recipe for You in Week 10

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At Mylo, we help young parents raise happy and healthy families with our innovative new-age solutions:

  • Mylo Care: Effective and science-backed personal care and wellness solutions for a joyful you.
  • Mylo Baby: Science-backed, gentle and effective personal care & hygiene range for your little one.
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