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11.6 cm


100 gms

Baby Size this week: Avocado

Mumma, I'm now the size of an avocado—and I can make a fist and even suck my thumb. Yippee!

16 Weeks Pregnant is how many months?

4 months

16 Weeks Pregnant is in which trimester?

Second Trimester

How Many Weeks to Go?

26 Weeks

In this week

  • Your Ultrasound in Week 16

  • Be comfortable & stylish

  • Your Baby in Week 16

  • Symptoms You Might Feel in Week 16

  • Your Body & Health in Week 16

  • Your Fitness Regime in Week 16

  • Recipe for You in Week 16

Your Ultrasound in Week 16
  • In this closeup view of the baby's profile, you can see how the facial features are becoming more defined.
  • Notice that the sonographer has measured the length of the nasal bone.
  • This specialized measurement may be useful in screening for some genetic anomalies.

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Be comfortable & stylish

As your pregnancy progresses, you'll notice that your clothes become uncomfortable and tight. Avoid the discomfort of oversized clothes and invest in versatile pieces that can be adjusted as your bump grows. Choose dresses that adapt to your changing body. Try Mylo Maternity Dresses , that are:

  • Soft, lightweight & made with breathable fabric.
  • Comfortable to wear anywhere.
  • Allows easy pumping & feeding.
  • All day & night comfort.

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Your Baby in Week 16
  • Your baby now weighs about 100 grams and measures about four and a half inches.
  • The little heart, which is still beating twice as fast as yours, is also now pumping out a lot of blood every day. The amount of blood being pumped will steadily increase throughout your pregnancy.
  • A few weeks prior to this, your baby had learned how to move the arms about and even learned how to clench and unclench the fist. At this very moment, your baby might very well be playing with the umbilical cord and gently tugging at it too.
  • The umbilical cord, in turn is also growing stronger and thicker day by day. The placenta is also growing as it needs to house the blood vessels, which are responsible for exchanging nutrients and oxygen between your baby's body and yours.
  • As your baby's backbone is developing swiftly, he is significantly able to straighten out his/her back and neck more.
  • At this stage of your pregnancy, your baby's nervous system is also taking purposeful developmental strides. Your baby's urinary and circulatory systems are also working at full gear.

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Symptoms You Might Feel in Week 16
  • Lower back pain : What you may be facing could be Pelvic Girdle Pain. This is an umbrella term for all the pain happening in regions near the pelvic area. You may be in pain as your joints are not moving properly. Get a gentle massage and do not forget to stay fit.
  • Leg cramps : Your legs may be cramping because of the sudden weight that you have gained recently. It can also be said that as your baby is growing in size, the nerves and blood vessels that go to your legs may have added pressure put on them.
  • Feeling conscious about your body :Trust us, it is all in your head. You were used to your body looking a certain way and since pregnancy changes what you look like, it takes you out of what you are comfortable with. Be strong and learn to love your body, just the way it is.
  • Itchy skin : As your skin is stretching every day, it leads to all the itchiness, especially on the breasts and stomach. Another reason for this is 'Eczema.' Eczema is a medical condition that leads to blisters in the skin and makes the skin rather rough. The good news is that there are plenty of safe remedies and medicines available for eczema.

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Your Body & Health in Week 16
  • It is amazing how your body changes every week within the course of your pregnancy.
  • Since you are in what the world generally refers to as 'the best trimester of pregnancy, you may be feeling relieved and not finding too much to complain about.
  • Well, that is a great thing and we urge you to be grateful and enjoy the moment.
  • How is your weight gain so far? Remember, if you focus on a good diet and regular exercise, you will be good in the long run.
  • We hope you are flaunting that pretty new bump in some lovely new clothes, too.
  • The second trimester is also a good time to make up for all that you could not do in the first three months.
  • Yes, this is the perfect trimester for some romantic dates and outings with your partner.
  • Now is also the time to find out more about maternity policies at work, insurance coverage, etc.

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Your Fitness Regime in Week 16

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Recipe for You in Week 16

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At Mylo, we help young parents raise happy and healthy families with our innovative new-age solutions:

  • Mylo Care: Effective and science-backed personal care and wellness solutions for a joyful you.
  • Mylo Baby: Science-backed, gentle and effective personal care & hygiene range for your little one.
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