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    How to Get Regular Periods Naturally: Ayurvedic Herbs, Lifestyle Changes & Homeopathy


    How to Get Regular Periods Naturally: Ayurvedic Herbs, Lifestyle Changes & Homeopathy

    Updated on 29 May 2023

    Irregular periods can be a nightmare for many women, causing anxiety and affecting their overall quality of life. While medication might seem like the only option, there are natural remedies that can help regulate periods. In this article, we will discuss how to get regular periods naturally using Ayurvedic herbs, lifestyle changes, and homeopathy. So, get ready to discover a holistic approach to menstrual health!

    How Should a Normal Menstrual Cycle Be?

    A normal menstrual cycle typically lasts between 21 to 35 days, with bleeding lasting for 2 to 7 days. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days long. However, everyone's menstrual cycle is unique, and some women may have shorter or longer cycles and some may experience irregularity in their periods.

    Irregular periods are menstrual cycles that occur when the length of periods changes, causing them to come early, late, or not at all. These changes may be due to a variety of factors, including puberty, stress, hormonal contraception, medical conditions, and menopause. Irregular periods might also affect conception, so having intercourse every two or three days during the monthly cycle may help.

    What Causes Irregular Periods?

    Before understanding how to regulate periods, it’s important to know what conditions can cause irregularities in the menstrual cycle. Irregular periods can be caused by various factors, including:

    1. Hormonal imbalances

    An irregular menstrual cycle is often due to a lack of or imbalance in certain hormones in the body. Since hormones regulate the menstrual cycle, an imbalance in hormones can lead to irregular periods.

    2. Thyroid disorders

    An overactive or underactive thyroid gland can cause hormonal imbalances that lead to irregular periods, scanty or very light periods or very heavy and painful periods.

    3. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

    Women with PCOS may experience few menstrual periods or have periods that aren't regular as it can interfere with egg development and release. This can cause irregular menstrual periods, periods to become heavier or stop altogether.

    4. Eating disorders

    Eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia can cause hormonal imbalances that lead to menstrual irregularities. Additionally, weight fluctuations because of such disorders can also cause irregular periods.

    5. Excessive exercise

    Intense exercise routines that result in very low body fat can cause menstrual irregularities. Exercising too much can delay periods, cause them to miss and even stop entirely.

    6. Uterine fibroids

    Uterine fibroids are abnormal growths of muscle tissue that form in or on the walls of the uterus. Common symptoms include heavy, long, and/or painful periods, irregular bleeding, pelvic pressure or pain, and difficulty getting pregnant or carrying to term.

    7. Endometriosis

    Endometriosis can affect the length and heaviness of a woman's menstrual cycle. As a result, women with endometriosis may experience irregular periods, heavy bleeding, pain, nausea, vomiting, migraines, and fatigue.

    It is important to identify the underlying cause of irregular periods in order to determine how to regulate periods.

    How to Get Regular Periods Naturally?

    There are several natural remedies that can help regulate periods, including Ayurvedic herbs, lifestyle changes, and homeopathy.

    Best Ayurvedic Medicine for Irregular Periods

    Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of medicine that uses natural remedies to treat various health conditions. Some Ayurvedic herbs that can help regulate periods include:

    1. Ashokarishta

    This herb is known for its ability to regulate menstrual cycles and reduce menstrual pain.

    2. Shatavari

    Shatavari is a natural hormone balancer that can help regulate periods and reduce PMS symptoms.

    3. Lodhra

    Lodhra is an astringent herb that can help regulate periods and reduce heavy bleeding.

    4. Ashwagandha

    As an adaptogen herb, ashwagandha can balance hormones, regulate menstrual cycle and induce ovulation.

    It is important to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before using any herbs to regulate periods.

    Best Homeopathic Medicine for Irregular Periods

    Homeopathy is a natural system of medicine that uses highly diluted substances to treat various health conditions. Some homeopathic medicines that can help regulate periods include:

    1. Pulsatilla

    Pulsatilla is a common homeopathic remedy for irregular periods. It is especially useful for women who experience mood swings and weepiness during their period.

    2. Sepia

    Sepia is a homeopathic remedy that can help regulate periods and reduce menstrual pain. It is especially useful for women who experience irritability and fatigue during their period.

    3. Natrum Muriaticum

    Natrum Muriaticum is a homeopathic remedy that can help regulate periods and reduce bloating and headaches.

    4. Calcarea Carb

    Calcarea Carb is known to be a natural medicine that can help regulate irregular periods. It is specifically recommended for women who experience fatigue, anxiety, and a feeling of being overwhelmed during PMS.

    5. Aletris Farinosa

    Aletris Farinosa, also known as True Unicorn Root, is believed to have properties that can help with menstrual disorders, including irregular periods.

    It is important to consult a homeopathic practitioner before using any homeopathic remedies to regulate periods.

    Lifestyle Changes for Better Menstrual Health

    Making certain lifestyle changes can also help regulate periods. Some lifestyle changes that can help improve menstrual health include:

    1. Eating a balanced diet

    A healthy diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains can help regulate periods.

    2. Exercising regularly

    Regular exercise can help regulate periods and reduce menstrual pain. But remember, not to exercise too much.

    3. Managing stress

    Stress can disrupt the hormonal balance in the body and cause irregular periods. Practices like yoga, meditation, and deep breathing can help reduce stress and regulate periods.

    4. Getting enough sleep

    Getting enough sleep is essential for maintaining hormonal balance and regulating periods.

    5. Detoxifying the body

    It’s important to flush out the toxins from the body and remedies like apple cider vinegar, herbal teas and wheatgrass powder can help detoxify the body.

    When to See a Doctor

    Irregular periods are common, but if they persist for several months or are accompanied by other symptoms like heavy bleeding, severe pain, or fever, it is important to see a doctor. These symptoms can indicate underlying health issues that require medical attention.


    1. How to regulate period naturally without birth control?

    There are several natural remedies that can help regulate periods without the use of birth control, including Ayurvedic herbs, homeopathy, and lifestyle changes.

    2. What foods cause irregular periods?

    Certain foods like processed foods, sugar, and caffeine can disrupt hormonal balance and cause irregular periods. Eating a balanced diet that is rich in whole foods can help regulate periods.

    In conclusion, irregular periods can be managed naturally using Ayurvedic herbs, homeopathy, and lifestyle changes. While knowing how to get periods naturally is important, it’s also important to identify the underlying cause of irregular periods. By making certain lifestyle changes and using natural remedies, women can improve their menstrual health and regulate their periods naturally.


    1. Riaz Y, Parekh U. Oligomenorrhea. (2022). In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing

    2. Rostami Dovom M, Ramezani Tehrani F, et al. (2016). Menstrual Cycle Irregularity and Metabolic Disorders: A Population-Based Prospective Study. PLoS One.

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