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    IUI Procedure Step by Step: A Comprehensive Guide for Couples


    IUI Procedure Step by Step: A Comprehensive Guide for Couples

    Updated on 3 November 2023

    Did you know that IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) has been used for several decades and remains one of the most widely practiced assisted reproductive techniques? According to the Indian Medical Association estimates, on average, the success rate of IUI is 10-20% per cycle, but it can be higher or lower based on individual circumstances. Understanding the IUI procedure step by step can help alleviate anxiety and empower couples with the knowledge to make informed decisions.

    So, let's take the first step and understand what to do after IUI procedure, where science, hope, and new possibilities converge to fulfil the dreams of countless couples around the globe.

    What is IUI?

    IUI procedure, which stands for intrauterine insemination, is a fertility treatment procedure designed to assist couples in achieving pregnancy. Also known as artificial insemination, IUI involves the placement of prepared sperm directly into the woman's uterus, increasing the chances of fertilization and successful conception.

    The IUI process begins with collecting a semen sample from the male partner, which is then prepared in the laboratory. The preparation involves separating the healthy and motile sperm from the seminal fluid and other debris. This concentrated and processed sperm is carefully introduced into the uterus during the woman's fertile window, typically around ovulation.

    Consultation and Testing

    Before undergoing the IUI procedure step by step, couples typically go through a consultation and testing phase. Let's learn more about it:

    1. Initial Consultation

    The process usually begins with an initial consultation with a fertility specialist or reproductive endocrinologist.

    During this consultation, the healthcare provider will review the couple's medical history, including any previous attempts at conception, existing medical conditions, and medications.

    1. Physical Examination

    Both partners may undergo a thorough physical examination, including a pelvic exam for the woman to assess the health of her reproductive organs and a semen analysis for the man to evaluate sperm quality, count, and motility.

    1. Hormonal Testing

    Blood tests may be conducted to measure hormone levels, such as follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), estrogen, progesterone, and thyroid hormone.

    1. Ovulation Tracking

    The woman may be asked to track her menstrual cycle and observe signs of ovulation, such as changes in cervical mucus consistency or basal body temperature.

    1. Transvaginal Ultrasound

    A transvaginal ultrasound may be performed to assess the condition of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries.

    1. Infectious Disease Screening

    Both partners may undergo screening for infectious diseases, including HIV, hepatitis B and C, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

    The consultation and testing phase is a critical step in the IUI process, as it helps healthcare providers understand each couple's unique circumstances and tailor the treatment accordingly.

    You may also like: Who Can Get IUI (Intra Uterine Insemination) Procedure?

    IUI Procedure Step by Step

    Here is a brief overview of the IUI procedure and the write-up will also uncover what to do after IUI procedure.

    1. Ovarian Stimulation

    Sometimes, the woman may be prescribed fertility medications to stimulate the development of multiple follicles in her ovaries.

    2. Monitoring

    During the ovarian stimulation phase, the woman's progress is monitored through blood tests and ultrasound examinations. These tests help determine the optimal timing for the IUI procedure by tracking the growth of follicles and assessing hormone levels.

    3. Sperm Collection

    Sperm collection is a crucial step in the IUI procedure, as it involves obtaining a semen sample from the male partner. The male partner will be provided with a sterile container for semen collection. The sample is typically collected through masturbation at home or in a private room at the fertility clinic. It is essential to manage the entire ejaculate in the provided container, ensuring that no portion is lost.

    Overall, the sperm collection process is an essential part of the IUI procedure step by step, as it ensures the availability of high-quality sperm for insemination.

    Also read: How To Get Sperms For IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) Procedure?

    4. Sperm Sample Washing

    After the semen sample is collected, it goes through a series of laboratory procedures to separate the healthy and motile sperm from the seminal fluid and other debris. This process is known as sperm preparation or sperm sample washing.

    The main goals of sperm preparation are to concentrate the high-quality sperm and remove any substances that may interfere with fertility treatment.

    5. Sperm Insertion

    Sperm insertion, or sperm deposition, is crucial in intrauterine insemination (IUI). It involves carefully placing prepared sperm into the woman's uterus, increasing the chances of successful fertilization and conception.

    6. Post-Procedure

    After the insemination, the woman may rest briefly before resuming normal activities.

    7. Luteal Phase and Pregnancy Testing

    After the procedure, the woman enters the luteal phase of her menstrual cycle. During this time, she may be advised to continue with any prescribed medications or progesterone supplements to support the potential implantation of the fertilized egg.

    Approximately two weeks after the IUI, a pregnancy test is performed to determine if conception has occurred.

    Must read: What Are the Chances of Getting Pregnant with Intrauterine Insemination?

    What to do After IUI Procedure?

    After undergoing the intrauterine insemination (IUI) procedure, several steps and considerations must be remembered. Here's a guide on what to do after the IUI procedure:

    1. Rest and Recovery

    Following the IUI procedure, taking it easy for the remainder of the day is generally recommended.

    1. Medications and Supplementation

    Your healthcare provider may prescribe certain medications or supplements to support the potential implantation of the fertilized egg.

    1. Track Your Symptoms and Monitor Your Body

    Pay attention to any changes or symptoms you experience after the procedure. These can include mild cramping, bloating, breast tenderness, or spotting.

    1. Emotional and Psychological Support

    It's important to seek emotional support from your partner, family, friends, or a support group to help manage any stress or anxiety you may experience.

    1. Pregnancy Testing

    Typically, a pregnancy test is performed about two weeks after the IUI procedure to determine if conception has occurred.

    Remember that every individual's journey and response to IUI can vary. It is essential to follow all the instructions during the IUI procedure step by step.

    IUI Procedure Cost

    The cost of the intrauterine insemination (IUI) procedure can vary depending on various factors such as geographical location, clinic fees, diagnostic tests, medications, and additional services required.

    On average, the cost of a single IUI cycle can range from INR 7,000 to INR 25,000. This estimate typically covers the essential components of the procedure, including semen analysis, sperm preparation, and the insemination itself.

    However, it may not include the cost of initial consultations, fertility medications, diagnostic tests, monitoring appointments, or any additional procedures that may be required.


    How Long Is the IUI Process Start to Finish?

    The entire IUI process, from initial consultation to the insemination procedure, typically takes around 2-3 weeks. However, the specific timeline may vary depending on individual factors and the protocols followed by the healthcare provider.

    Can IUI be Successful on the First Try?

    Yes, IUI can be successful on the first try. The success rate of IUI varies depending on various factors, such as the woman's age, the underlying cause of infertility, the quality of the sperm used, and the overall health of both partners.

    What is the Difference between IUI and IVF?

    IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) and IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) are fertility treatments, but they differ in procedure and complexity. In IUI, fertilization occurs naturally within the woman's body, whereas in IVF, fertilization occurs in the laboratory, where eggs and sperm are brought together in a controlled environment.

    Final Thoughts

    In this write-up, we have learned about the IUI procedure step by step and other aspects of the IUI procedure, from consultation and testing to sperm collection, sample washing, and sperm insertion. Additionally, it has highlighted essential considerations for what to do after the procedure and provided insights into the cost and duration of the IUI process. While the success of IUI can vary depending on individual circumstances, this guide is a valuable resource for couples seeking to understand the difference between IUI and IVF and help them make informed decisions.


    1. Allahbadia, G. N. (2017). Intrauterine Insemination: Fundamentals Revisited. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India, 67(6), 385–392.

    1. A., Gordon, C. E., & Hornstein, M. D. (2020). Predictive factors for intrauterine insemination outcomes: a review. Fertility Research and Practice, 6(1).

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    Written by

    Roohi Kalra

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