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    Diaper Bag Essentials - Every Mom needs these 10 Things in her baby's diaper bag


    Diaper Bag Essentials - Every Mom needs these 10 Things in her baby's diaper bag

    Updated on 5 July 2023

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    A diaper bag is a true savior for a mother for the initial two years of a baby's life. It becomes her constant companion as a new best friend who will always be with her. When a woman becomes a new mother, the diaper bag gets replaced by a handbag. When you and your baby leave home, the diaper bag is needed as a new sidekick. Assume it is a security blanket for new parents or a mother's purse on steroids. Whatever life with a baby tosses your way, from sudden hunger pangs to incomprehensible freak out to poppy and smelly diapers, a well-packed and comfortable diaper bag can make messy circumstances disappear.

    New mothers often find themselves breaking out in a sweat even before heading out, with all that preparation. But the right diaper bag can make a whole lot of difference. A diaper bag is a multi-functional bag to store all the essential baby items in one place. It can avoid you from being in an uncomfortable position and can save your day.

    Attempting to figure out what is essential and what can be reasonably left behind is a gruesome task for every mom. Just like when you pack for a trip, you make a checklist of all essential items, the diaper bag must also include ten essential items, which are as follows:

    This is a no-brainer when it comes to diaper essentials. During the initial months after delivery, it is a pain to change clothes and nappies again and again. This is when diapers come to the rescue. During the initial months, pooping will include most of the baby's life. However, it wouldn't be a terrible idea, considering the probability of diaper-related emergencies. When it comes to emergencies, the thumb rule is always to keep one diaper at hand every two hours you are going to be out in your diaper bag as an essential item. In emergencies, at least three diapers as part of diaper bag essentials should be present for a trip, as each diaper won't last for more than a couple of hours.

    • Baby Wipes

    This answers the question: what should you include in a diaper bag? Baby wipes can always be there to the rescue for you, no matter the task at hand. Many instances require sanitation, like changing your baby's diaper, wiping their face after feeding, and cleaning up a baby's vomit or spit up. They also help you stay clean apart from being necessary for your baby. They also have the significance of cleaning any surface you may put the baby down on while diaper changes. Always include a sufficient supply of baby wipes in your diaper bag essentials kit since disasters might only be poop or vomit away. It is always better to have an extra pack of wipes and not need them than to need and not have them for longer trips.

    • Portable changing pad

    A portable changing pad is used during diaper changes to protect your baby from contaminated surfaces. A changing mat is equally important, as are diapers and wipes since they ensure that the changing place remains neat and clean and also make the baby feel comfortable during a diaper change. While most parents use a soft piece of cloth or a baby towel as a changing pad, investing in a quality portable changing pad for your diaper bag essentials is never a bad idea. A portable changing pad is essential for frequent diaper changes, whether at the back of the car, at a friend's house or anywhere in between. Some diaper bags also include a built-in changing mat.

    • Baby cream and powders

    Since babies tend to have sensitive skin, diaper rashes are never far away, no matter how vigilant you are as a parent. Diaper rash can cause discomfort and pain, so apply this after every diaper change or after long exposure to a wet diaper. You may choose not to carry a travel-sized tube or bottle of baby cream during short trips. However, during long trips, you will find them essential. You can always carry a travel-sized tube or bottle since these are only for emergencies.

    • Disposable trash Bags

    So, you have cleaned the baby and changed the diaper, and you are looking around for trash cans and haven't found any; that's the moment you wish you had a few disposable trash bags. Although they are a lifesaver, they have often been overlooked components of diaper bag essentials. It is not the most responsible thing to throw a soiled diaper out in the open. To ensure you are always prepared, carry a couple of small-sized trash bags.

    • Pacifiers

    When they aren't within the confines of their comfortable homes, babies tend to get a bit fussy. At the need for these moments is a pacifier. They must be a part of your diaper checklist if you choose to use pacifiers since you may not know when you will end up looking for one. It is also necessary to store pacifiers in a clean, dry bag or container. You can also store them with emergency feeding bottle nipples since it is a good idea.

    • Burp Clothes

    They are the most useful thing in the diaper bag since they are used as a cleanup tool. Since newborns tend to spit up when buried, any soft cloth can be used as a burp cloth. The burp clothes available nowadays come in numerous forms. The burp cloth material to look for should be soft, absorbent and relatively large. They should fit over the shoulder with a little cloth hanging down in the front and the back.

    • Baby food or formula

    If your baby is small, include a small amount of formula and feeding bottles in your diaper bag. You must pack your baby's formula if your bottles are not pre-made. Carry a few scoops of formula in a small container to save space in your diaper bag. If you are in the process of weaning your baby, include simple food in your diaper bag. While this is a must for excursions and trips, carry small packs of baby food. It makes things much more manageable for parents and an integral part of diaper essentials.

    • Change of clothes

    You can anticipate accidents by storing an extra pair of clothes in your diaper bag. This may comprise a change of pants or bottoms, a onesie or shirt, and sometimes an extra pair of socks. Additionally, it might be a good idea to include an extra shirt or dress for you as well. You might never know what the day might bring- drool, spilt milk, spitting up, or scattered food. It is better to include an extra set of pyjamas for extra comfort for nap times.

    • Toys

    Sometimes your little one might be stark awake, and you might also need to grab. While playing with their favorite toys, let them keep themselves engaged. Carry a toy that doesn't make noise while traveling to avoid disturbing other passengers.

    Diaper Bag Extras

    Crisis management involves possessing the right gear at the right time. It doesn't hurt to have all the items of mom's trade at your fingertips since babies are so unpredictable. Here are a few extras to include in your diaper bag:

    • Reusable placemats

    These placemats come in handy in many places. For example, in a restaurant, the waiter has wiped down that highchair with a damp cloth. But you never know where that cloth has been.

    • Nasal aspirator

    If you can lend an assist with the baby's stuffy nose, you will be much happier.

    • Nursing cover and pads

    When you are in a crowded place with no privacy and when your baby is going hungry, that's when a nursing cover comes in. Nursing covers are designed to give plenty of coverage and stay in place while the baby moves. Nursing pads are a must addition to any diaper bag for moms who breastfeed their little ones. They are also known as breast pads which are absorbent discs of soft material that you can place in a regular or nursing bra to avoid leaking milk from causing wet spots and staining your clothes.

    • Sanitizer

    Sometimes, when soap and water are not close, wash your hands after a diaper change. Then you can use a hand sanitizer with a cover and you can strap them to your diaper bag so that it doesn't take up any space inside your bag.

    • Extra shirt for you

    Many moms do not include an extra shirt or cover-up for themselves when packing for their little ones. During the day, accidents that soil your baby's onesie is more likely to soil your shirt as well. That's why it is essential to pack an extra shirt for yourself.

    • External battery for your phone

    Sometimes, it is inevitable that you forget to charge your phone on the day when you are going to take your baby outside the house. So, keeping a small external battery for your phone at the bottom of the diaper bag is essential. It is especially helpful if you need to entertain your toddler.

    • Duplicate items you keep in your purse

    Sometimes we forget many things in the house while heading out. So it is a good idea to include some essential duplicate items in your diaper bags, such as house keys, car keys, extra cash, a copy of your ID, and an emergency contact number.

    What are the Different Types of Diaper Bags?

    • Backpack

    A backpack makes for a sufficient carrier for all items in your newborn diaper bag checklist. If you have a backpack at home, you can repurpose it into a diaper bag and it's even better if you have one with lots of sections in it. While a diaper bag backpack is easy to carry, it also enables your hands to be free for other activities, such as holding your baby, which is a huge plus. Although it is possible to carry the baby and backpack together, it can sometimes get heavy. A backpack is also less accessible than other diaper-style bags since you have to take it off to reach inside.

    • Tote bags

    These are ideal for a day out or a weekend getaway since they are extremely spacious. The tote bag hits the mark of function and style since it is a diaper bag that doesn't look like a diaper bag. It is also large and open, comes with open storage space, and is a one-shoulder carry. It is perfect for parents who like the look of a traditional bag or who want a bag that helps as a work or laptop bag. One of the things to consider in tote bags is that since it has a large, versatile storage space, it makes it easy for items to get mixed up and fall to the bottom of the bag. That can be frustrating when you're trying to find that pacifier for the fussy baby.

    • Special diaper bags

    These can be either sling or crossover. These bags generally have one long strap that can be worn crossbody or over your shoulder. These diaper bags come in various patterns and designs, which makes them look like a stylish diaper bag. This super cool and classy look won't make people realise it is a nappy bag. It is the best bag if you need to carry them for an extended time. Since these bags have a lot of pockets and zippered compartments, they are easy to organise. You can put diapers in one pocket, new clothes in another, snacks in the third, and so on. Since this diaper bag has a padded cross-body strap, it is secure and supports your back and shoulder.

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    Traveling with your child will seem easier if you know how to pack a diaper bag properly with the right items. You will also be able to enjoy all the moments and be comfortable. However, keep a few quick tips in mind when choosing a diaper bag. Select the one that serves you best. Choose waterproof diaper bags that work in different weather conditions. Opt for a bag with more compartments to better organization possibilities. This way you can be organized and have a good time with the baby.

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    Written by

    Mittali Khurana

    Mittali is a content writer by profession. She is a dynamic writer with 04+ years of experience in content writing for E-commerce, Parenting App & Websites, SEO.

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