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    5 Early Warning Signs of Thyroid & How You Can Eliminate Them Quickly

    Health Tips

    5 Early Warning Signs of Thyroid & How You Can Eliminate Them Quickly

    Updated on 9 March 2023

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    The occurrence of thyroid disease has become quite common nowadays in men and women. According to a recent survey, 11% of people in India are affected by thyroid disease. Thyroid disease can have an adverse impact on menopause, depression, and cognitive abilities. There are many early signs of thyroid issues that one should be aware of. So, let's find out the warning signs and solutions to managing thyroid disease.

    Five early signs of thyroid disease

    Let us understand the early signs of thyroid disease that can help in an early diagnosis and treatment:

    1. Tiredness

    Well, it is easy to feel fatigued after daily activities. But if you are feeling tired without any reason, it can be an alarming sign of thyroid disease. Sometimes it is challenging to analyze fatigue as a true sign of having thyroid. That's why it's important to keep an eye on other symptoms you might be experiencing and visit a doctor for thyroid screening.

    2. Weight gain

    It is one of the most common reasons that disturb metabolism and cause thyroid. Problems with metabolism can easily create problems in your body that naturally increases the risk of hypothyroidism. One of the best ways to check is to know the actual metabolic state in the body.

    3. Decreased heart rate

    Thyroid development also affects your cardiovascular health, which results in a low heart rate. The thyroid usually results in higher blood pressure due to much involvement in cardiovascular activities.

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    4. Heat intolerance

    People who have thyroid disorders often experience sensitivity toward heat. This is because the thyroid affects your metabolism, and it takes more than the usual energy to burn calories, resulting in unusual sensitivity to heat. Thus, people with thyroid sweat more and experience anxiety while working.

    5. Weight Loss

    Weight loss is also a critical clue if you are suffering from thyroid issues. Sudden weight gain and weight loss are common signs of thyroid disorders and usually occur because of poor metabolism.

    Easy remedies to control hypothyroidism symptoms

    Here are some home remedies that can help control hypothyroidism symptoms:

    • Consume a sugar-free diet
    • Add vitamin B, probiotics, and gluten-free foods to your diet
    • Include Selenium, like Brazil nuts, grass-fed beef, etc., in your diet
    • Take less stress and engage in regular workout

    Mylo 100% Natural Wheatgrass Powder is rich in selenium which helps to improve the functioning of the thyroid gland. Consuming wheatgrass powder regularly can help boost metabolism and digestion, improve thyroid function and help maintain weight. Additionally, it can also help control your sugar cravings. What's more, it is a natural detoxifier that works great in enhancing skin health, boosting immunity and promoting gut health.


    Thyroid causes distress in daily life if you see early signs, get the cure. And don’t miss out on crucial time, opt to diagnose early to know the root causes. And begin your treatment with Mylo 100% Natural Wheatgrass Powder.

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    1. Patil N, Rehman A, Jialal I. (2022). Hypothyroidism. NCBI
    2. Melish JS. (1990). Thyroid Disease. NCBI

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    Written by

    Priyanka Verma

    Priyanka is an experienced editor & content writer with great attention to detail. Mother to a 10-year-old, she's skille

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