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39.9 cm


1319 gms

Baby Size this week: पत्तागोभी

माँ, अब मैं आपके गर्भ में जब भी हिचकियाँ लूँगी तो आप मेरी उस हरकत को अच्छे से महसूस कर पाएँगी.

30 Weeks Pregnant is how many months?

7 months and 2 weeks

30 Weeks Pregnant is in which trimester?

Third Trimester

How Many Weeks to Go?

12 Weeks

In this week

  • Your Ultrasound in Week 30

  • Use only pregnancy-safe pain relief products

  • Your Baby in Week 30

  • Symptoms You Might Feel in Week 30

  • Your Body & Health in Week 30

  • Your Fitness Regime in Week 30

  • Recipe for You in Week 30

Your Ultrasound in Week 30
  • This week's scan shows how developed your baby's features have become.
  • With his/her pouty lips and tiny nose, he/she looks much like how they will at birth.
  • You can also notice the baby's hand in front of their eyes and forehead.

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Use only pregnancy-safe pain relief products

As your baby bump grows, so will pregnancy pains like backache, leg cramps and swelling. Using OTC painkillers or medicines is not safe during this delicate time. Instead, you can use Ayurvedic massage oils to relieve your body aches. Try Mylo Ayurvedic Pain Relief Oil that:

  • Reduces pregnancy pains.
  • Relieves swelling.
  • Relaxes body in pregnancy.

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Your Baby in Week 30
  • This week your baby does not do much growth in terms of size and weight. He/she may have added a few extra centimetres to the total height and about 200 grams to the overall weight.
  • As he/she is continuing to grow inside your uterus, he/she is naturally taking up a lot of room and due to this, the volume of the amniotic fluid is decreasing slowly and steadily.
  • While your baby may not have changed too much in appearance this week, his/her brain makes up for all the outwardly development he/she seems to be lacking. Up until this week, although your baby's brain was growing and developing at its own sweet pace, the surface of the brain was pretty smooth.
  • However, from this week onwards, the brain develops indentations on the surface. These indents are called convolutions and look like canals and rivulets. These rivulet-like indents help in bringing about an increase in the number of brain tissues.
  • By this point in time, your baby's digestive tract has almost completely developed and the kidneys are properly in function. His/her lungs are continuing to develop but will still take a few more weeks to mature fully.

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Symptoms You Might Feel in Week 30
  • Strong fetal movement : About ten movements in a couple of hours is what you should keep in mind. If you don't feel that many in two hours, try taking some rest. Have a snack or juice and your baby may suddenly become start kicking again!
  • Bloating & gas : As your uterus grows, it puts pressure on your rectum, which can weaken muscle control and lead to uncontrollable passing of gas. Drink plenty of water to avoid constipation, which aggravates the condition.
  • Swollen feet & ankles : Most of the pregnant women suffer from swelling on their feet and ankles. Do take frequent breaks from your chores and put your feet up whenever you can.
  • Fatigue : Your body is constantly producing and pumping more blood so that the baby gets enough nutrients. Your blood pressure and sugar levels are significantly lower in pregnancy. All these combined with hormonal changes and other symptoms such as nausea and exhaustion are considered the main cause of fatigue during pregnancy.
  • Stretch marks : As your skin is stretching to its maximum capability, you are probably seeing pink or red stretch marks all over. Just apply coconut oil or any natural moisturizers.

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Your Body & Health in Week 30

There is no way in which you could constantly look into your womb to check up on or monitor your baby's movements and activities but he/she sure is super active and is doing phenomenally well. We are sure you are gaining some healthy weight as well.

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Your Fitness Regime in Week 30

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Recipe for You in Week 30

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  • Mylo Care: Effective and science-backed personal care and wellness solutions for a joyful you.
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