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    Pain in Groin During Pregnancy: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment


    Pain in Groin During Pregnancy: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

    Updated on 3 November 2023

    Pain in the groin during pregnancy also sometimes refers to as ‘lightning crotch’ is a common condition that affects a large proportion of pregnant women, especially during their third trimester. This blog features everything about groin pain during pregnancy, its symptoms, causes, and the treatment options available.

    Read on to know more about this condition.

    What is groin pain during pregnancy?

    Pregnancy is a wonderful time, but it can also be difficult and uncomfortable. Groin pain is a common complaint during pregnancy, affecting up to 1 in 3 women. The pain can vary from mild to severe and can be on one or both sides.

    Groin pain in pregnancy is felt in the area between the abdomen and the thigh and can be quite severe. It is often caused by the extra weight and pressure of the pregnancy and can make it difficult to walk or even stand. In order to accommodate the growing fetus, the joints and ligaments of pubic bones widen and relax causing pain in the groin area.

    Pain in the groin during pregnancy is not an emergency situation and also it is not indicative of anything wrong with the pregnancy. The condition is treatable and generally subsides shortly after the delivery.

    Cause of pain in the groin during pregnancy

    Most commonly, groin pain in pregnancy is caused by the round ligaments stretching and pulling on the pelvis. This can happen as the baby grows and the ligaments become tight. The pain is usually worse when pregnant mothers move around, such as when they roll over in bed or get up from a chair.

    Other possible causes of groin pain during pregnancy include:

    1. Pubic symphysis dysfunction: This is a condition where the pubic bone starts to separate or stretch way more than usual causing pain in the groin and pelvis.

    1. Symphysis pubis diastasis: This is when the pubic symphysis (the joint between the pubic bones) starts to widen and separate without fracture causing pain in the groin.

    1. Osteitis pubis: This is inflammation of the pubic bone, which can cause pain in the groin, pelvis, and lower back.

    Symptoms of pain in groin during pregnancy

    Pain in groin during pregnancy can be quite common, especially in the third trimester. The most common symptom of groin pain in pregnancy is a dull, achy pain that is worse when expecting mothers move around or put weight on their hips. Sometimes, the pain can be sharp and severe, making it difficult to walk or even stand. Other symptoms of groin pain pregnancy third trimester can include:

    • Swollen or tender lymph nodes in the groin area

    • Sharp, stabbing pain when moving or changing position

    • Difficulty moving the leg

    • An electric shock-like sensation down the pelvic region

    • Stabbing pain in the vagina

    • Pain that gets worse when coughing, sneezing or sitting for long periods of time

    • Pain that radiates down the legs

    If an expecting mother is experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to talk to her doctor. They can determine if the pain is due to pregnancy or another condition.

    Treatment for pain in the groin during pregnancy

    There are several things that can be done to help relieve groin pain during pregnancy. These include:

    • Resting as much as possible

    • Wear a supportive pregnancy belt

    • Avoid activities that aggravate the pain

    • Wearing comfortable, supportive clothing

    • Taking over-the-counter pain medication

    • Supporting the uterus with hands while sneezing or coughing

    • Applying a heating pad or ice pack to the area

    • Acupuncture

    • Chiropractic treatment

    If someone is experiencing severe groin pain during pregnancy, their doctor may also recommend physical therapy. This can help to stretch and strengthen the muscles in the area, which can provide relief.

    Groin pain is a common complaint during pregnancy, but it doesn’t have to be a part of anyone’s experience. Talking to a doctor about ways to relieve the pain in order to make pregnancy a little more comfortable is always a good idea.

    When to visit the doctor?

    Pain between the legs during pregnancy i.e. in the groin area is a relatively benign condition that subsides shortly after the delivery. However, it is always better to get a consultation with the doctor so that any other underlying cause of groin pain in pregnancy can be ruled out. If an expecting mother is experiencing severe pain in the groin area that worsens over time and in the upper abdomen then they must immediately consult with their doctor. Furthermore, if a pregnant woman is experiencing groin pain along with vaginal bleeding and painful contractions before 37 weeks then must immediately go to their nearest ER.

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    Written by

    Priyanka Verma

    Priyanka is an experienced editor & content writer with great attention to detail. Mother to an 11-year-old, she's a ski

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