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    8 Instant Home Remedies for a Wrinkle-Free Skin


    8 Instant Home Remedies for a Wrinkle-Free Skin

    Updated on 16 March 2023

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    Wrinkles are one of the earliest signs of ageing. Earlier, wrinkles used to appear after one turned forty or fifty but nowadays, they have become quite common. Given our hectic work schedules, roaring social lives and weekend binging, wrinkles and fine lines have made an early appearance in our lives.

    Instead of stressing over wrinkles and fine lines, try these instant home remedies for wrinkle-free skin. But first, let’s understand what are wrinkles and why do they appear.

    What are wrinkles and what causes them?

    Wrinkles, also known as rhytides, are folds on the skin that appear as one starts to age. Wrinkles are caused because of low production of collagen and elastin in the skin. This results in the skin becoming thinner and more prone to damage. Consequently, pollution, stress and lack of skincare regime can cause the wrinkles to become more pronounced.

    How to remove wrinkles from face naturally?

    Making little changes in your lifestyle and skincare routine with these home remedies can help remove wrinkles from your face naturally.

    Here are some effective home remedies to remove wrinkles from face:

    1. What’s at the end of your fork?

    You are what you eat. So, it’s time to start being mindful of what’s at the end of your fork. To slow down signs of ageing and remove wrinkles, eat citrus fruits like lemon, orange and kiwi. Try to include nuts like almonds and walnuts and lots of green vegetables in your diet.

    2. Banana face mask to the rescue

    Banana is loaded with the goodness of vitamins and antioxidants, making it a potent agent in preventing ageing. Once a week, prepare a banana mask by blending a ripe banana into a paste and apply it on your face for 10-20 minutes. This will accelerate your journey to wrinkle-free skin and help with other skin problems as well.

    3. Say hello to aloe

    Aloe vera works like a wonder when it comes to skin and hair care. Rich in anti-inflammatory and skin-tightening properties, aloe vera can help treat skin problems like wrinkles and fine lines. You can apply aloe vera gel or use aloe vera ice cubes daily and let your skin absorb its goodness.

    4. Go nuts for coconut

    Coconut oil is enriched with the goodness of Vitamin E which helps to moisturise the skin, prevent the appearance of wrinkles and keep the skin tight. To reap the maximum benefits of coconut oil, you can apply it to your face every night before you go to sleep.

    5. Scrub-a-dub-dub

    Scrubbing your face once a week should be an essential part of your skincare regime. And what’s better than a homemade sugar and honey scrub? A sugar and honey scrub will gently exfoliate your skin, remove dead cells and impurities and lighten dark spots and age spots. Over time, it will help tighten the skin and remove wrinkles.

    6. Reset your skin with rose water

    Now that you’re familiar with the importance of face scrub, mask and moisturizer, it’s time for a face toner. A rose water face mist and toner can help minimise the appearance of pores, retain moisture and prevent sagging skin. Basically, a rose skin mist is a reset button in a bottle that will help reverse your signs of ageing.

    7. Moisturize and make it right

    While weekly face masks will help moisturize your skin but your skin needs daily moisturising too. Applying a face moisturizer daily can help infuse moisture into your skin, improve its elasticity and prevent dryness and signs of ageing like wrinkles and fine lines.

    8. Turn time with turmeric

    Besides adorning your spice rack, turmeric is also a great skincare ingredient. Enriched with the goodness of curcumin, turmeric acts as an antioxidant to help stop free-radical damage and encourage new cell formation. Combined with the goodness of lactic acid rich-curd, turmeric and curd face mask becomes a potent anti-ageing remedy.

    All in all, these home remedies will help make your skin healthier and wrinkle-free.

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    Mylo Bestie

    Mylo Bestie is that naughty, funny soulmate who lightens your life and whom you can tell your deepest secrets!

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