Heavens beauty, A woman of heaven's beauty
Great, Famous, Peace protector, To recite a song
Slave of the one who is light, Servant of the light, Slave of the one who Is light.
Slave of the excellence, Servant of the glorious, Servant of the noble, A unique personality who seve slave of brilliance and noble
Thankfulness, Praise, Thankfulness
Early, One who can rip open
Gift, Fortunate, Give
Name of the first surah in the Quran
One that divides into two, Creator, One who divides the world in two
Free, Latin name meaning free
A well of a person, Well to do
Beautiful portrait, Abstract picture, A beautiful portret
Praiser, A voice from heaven, Praiser, a voice from heaven
Pilgrim, Pilgrimage, One who has Performed the Hajj
To get joyousness, Gladness
Holy girl
Innocent, Sinless, An innocent, enerring and dependable individual
Of beautiful face and body
Beautiful color, A beautiful color
Soft, She who is soft
A narrator of Hadith
Sword of Allah title of hon, A sword of Allah
Sound, Unimpaired, Sane, Sincere, Safe, Happy, Peaceful, Muslim name meaning secure and free
Light, Honor, Bright
Fighter, Strong spirit
Superior, Predominant, Fem, The wise one
Concerning sword
Victory, Triumphant, Success, A fragrant smell
Virgin, The name of a star, a virgin, they are born mediators and are spiritually and mentally strong.
Slave of the sustainer
Servant of the honored
Servant of the most high, A devoted person who helps most high or dignified personality
Servant of the all seeing
Roof over path, Alley between houses
Flame, Blaze, Flame, blaze
Just, True, Sincere, Truthful, Upright, A truthful and honest man
Glow of the religion (Islam), One who is restless, Ready to accept challenges
Ardor, Vigor of youth, One who is youthful in heart
Fleshy, Angry
Mild, Gentle, Patient, Forbearing, Grown up, gentle, mild, patient, kind, indulgent
Selflessness, Preference
The flower Jasmin
Hope, Expectation, Wish, Desire, Trust, Greed
A narrator of Hadith
Great king
Perfect, Complete
Pearl, A narrator of Hadith
A narrator of Hadith
Friend of the prophet Muhammad
A narrator of Hadith
Little lion
Lively, Gleeful, Merry, A lively, happy woman
Clean, Pure, Clean, wholesome, unpolluted.
Leader, President, Head, Chief, A chief, a leader, one who announce or give news
Most watchful, One who is the most watchful
Ascender, Exalted
A star in the constellation Leo, A bright star in the constellation Leo having intense power accomplishing something worthwhile
Slave of the bountiful
Slave of the originator, Servant of the incomparable
The manifest one
Strong, Majesty, Dignity, Awe
Lover, Paramour, One who uplifts the mankind
One who remembers God
Very clever, One who is careful
Great ones
Twist, Flexure
One who confirms, Verifies another
Imaginary picture
Piece of gold, A piece of gold or something valuable
Renowned, Famous, A famous person, known to all
Famous, One who is very famous, whose name is popular
Light of the Era
Strong, One who is strong
Complete, A man wh is complete, who lacks nothing
Aromatic, A narrator of Hadith, Faith, one who is faithful
A prophets name
Excellence, A Greek beauty
Servant of the vast
Adornment of women
Name of a companion
Charitable, Beneficent, Khayri means Generous
Name of a tribe
Glorification of the religion, Glorification of religion
Royal, A royal one