The one who praise
Friendship, Kindness, Obligation
The pillar of the faith
Glory of the faith, Arabic name meaning greatness
Name of a companion, The meaning of the name is Companion, By your side
Gold stone
Supporter, Victorious
She narrated Hadith
One who has a face like Moon, Girl with the face of the Moon
Pride of king, Full of grace, Flower
Authority, King, The who is ruler and king of people
Presents, Gifts, Talents, presents, awards, gifts.
Light of the world, The bright light of the universe.
Advised, Suggested, Sincere, Faithful, A faithful or sincere person
Another name of prophet Muhammad, One who gets into the way, who restrain others from the evil
Intelligent one, Sober, Wise and mature one
Crown, Face, Point
Having narrow, Contracted, Squinting eyes, Having narrow, contracted or squinting eyes.
Slave of the excellence, Servant of the glorious, Servant of the noble, As al-Majeed is one of Allah's name which means servant of honourable and gracious
Victory, Mars, Name of a Persian King, A Character in Shahnameh,
Sweet, A very sweet girl
Success, She is a winner and a success
Clouds with rain, Ahe is like a rainy cloud
Protected, Name of a companion
Angel, She who is an Angel
Unity, Oneness
Name of a flower
Sapphire, Blue stone, Precious stone, A heavenly damsel from Hindu mythology
Elegant with good respect for her elders, A woman who has respect for the elders
Name of a sahabiyah ra
Hill, Blend of names Tara and Erin, means a hill from Ireland
Ruler, Judge, Judge of character
Bounty of religion (Islam), A religion's bounty
Crystal, He who is like a crystal
Old Arabic name, An old name of Arabs
Name of a sahabiyah ra
Friendship, A feeling of friendship
Making Happy, Prosperous
Struggle, Fight, Kifah means Struggle
Right, Appropriate, Correct, A man who is sound in judgement.
Kind of necklace
Elevated, Exalted, The empowered, The honored, The strengthener
The cloud that carries the rain
One who is like a quicksilver
Help, Support, One who support or help others
Tune, Famous, Good, Pious, Attractive or melodious or good-looking or musical.
A well dancer, The person who is expert in dancing.
Slave of the honored, The name is originated as African name that means servant of giver of glory and almighty.
Sword of Islam
Pray, A voice of heart, Request to all-mighty Allah, A source of connection with God and human, To Pray, a voice of heart ,Source of connection with God.
Splendid, Glorious
Paradise, Heaven, Garden, The Heavens or the Paradise
Good, New, One who is very good
Shepherd, One sho is a shepherd
Brook, Rivulet, Small stream, Tiny natural body of running water flowing on or underneath the earth.
Love, A feeling of love, to love someone
Attack, means
Sympathy, Blessing, Sympathy, kindness, Blessing
Companion, Celebration, A celebration
Sunlight, East, Khawara name means The Sunlight on the East
Mustard seed, Kardal means Mustard Seed
Solid, A tree that smell good
Abd manaaf
Moon light
Successful, One who is successful.
Beautiful, Companion of prophet (Saw), A beautiful companion
Brilliant, A woman of brilliance
Bright Sky
Servant of the most merciful
A narrator of Hadith
Servant of Allah, Servant of god
Beautiful, One who collects
Glorious, Praiseworthy, Girl name meaning excess
Poet, He is a poet
Planet venus
Happy, Sweet
Soul, Life