Endowed with great knowledge
Princess, Persian name meaning princess
Gardens of Islam
Victory, Successful
Pride, Something to feel proud about
Passion, Passion and love
Curtailing, Shortening, Curtailed
Joy Love beauty, Joy, adore, Beauty, loveliness
Prince, The Moon, The Moon, Brilliant, Radiant and Bright Moon, A variant spelling is Qamar
Gift, Present, She was a God's gift
Pleasure trip, Excursion spot, Preference trip or outing spot
Sound, Safe, Healthy, Arabic name meaning peace
Leader, Leader, head, Person incharge
Satisfaction, Saturation, The feeling of satisfaction, content
Star, Star
Clever, Wise, A clever and wise person
(She was the daughter of Ahmad bin mishqar), She was the daughter of Ahmad Bin Mishqar. A distinguished woman of her times.
Dew, Generosity, Liberality, Condensation, bigheartedness, broadmindedness, nobility
Beautiful, Antelopes
Princess, He is a princess
Counsels, Brings together, these people are easily admired because of their intense personality. They are watch maker and jeweler in profession. They have unite attitude and develop friendship.
Independent, Fawn, Young deer
Slave, Maid servant, Female servant, Kaneez name means Servant, a Slave Girl
Luckiest of the age
Companion of prophet Muhammad
Faithfulness, Loyal, Faithfulness, fidelity and loyalty
Blessing, Donation
A man endowed with splendor
Respect, Right
Celebrated Abbasid caliph
Light, Flower
Name of a sahabiyah ra
The 7th month of the Muslim year, Seventh month of the islamic calendar
Firm, Young girl, Young Girl, Small little Girl
Prostrating to Allah
God inspired peace of mind, Tranquility, Calmness, Comfort, Ease, Dignity, Presence of God, Beautiful one
Connection, Young, Youth, Ageless, Gentle
Soundest servant of Allah, The soundest servant of Allah
Calm, Quiet and tranquil, Peace of mind, A tranquil, serene woman
Gift, A woman who was the gift to the world
Innocence, Innocence
Merciful, Companionate, A merciful companion
Close friend, Varaint of Hamimah, Trustworthy friend
Doorman, Janitor, Bailiff
New, Fresh, One who is not used, a fresh, new one
City in Iraq
Known, Accepted, He does good deeds
Love, Affection, An affectionate and loving woman
Spotted, Speckled, A spotted person, a dotted person
Relevant, Pertinent, Correct, Right, A lover
It was the name of the tabiee, Abu Salih, It was the name of the Tabiee
Calmness, Quietness, Brave, Bold, Valor
Ill starred
Bright, White, Fair
Rose, A rose flower
Pillar of the faith
One who speaks briefly but eloquently
Causing victory, One who has brought victory
Little star, A small or tiny star
Lion cub
Name of a companion
Kind, Gentle, A Kind-hearted, merciful, gentle person. One who is benign.
Praise, Lauding, A word, a poem of preise
Independent, Fawn, Young deer
Garden of flowers, A garden of flowers
Spoils, Booty
The name means The Narrator of Hadih
Gift, Present, She was a gif, a present
Scratching, Scraping
Companion of prophet Muhammad
English, Hindi, To wish for something strongly
Capable one
One who achieves her goals in life, Loved, Beloved
Servant of the descender
Morning star, A woman who is frail and very delicate
Growth, Super abundance, Enlarging
Wondrous, A wonderous human being
Generous, Generous, Kind, Compassionate, Benevolent, A variant spelling is Tamam
First rose
Ogle eyed
One who makes something clear, Manifest, One who clarifies, Plain
The Moon
Planner, Designer, A planer, designer