Name of a mountain mentioned in the Quran, they learn lessons from their life and are simple going persons. They are open and joyful spirit.
Proud, One who is proud
Servant of God, Worshipper, Worshipper, Adorer
Beautiful, Prior, Beautiful, Prior
Brightness, Brightness
This was the name of a very, A very pious woman who kept vigil in the night
God is gracious derived from jane
To judge with justice, Equity
Of good and honorable character
Silver Pearl, Jumaana means Silver Pearl
Holy river, Intelligent, Intellectual, Progressive, Productive
Immortal, Everlasting, The name means Eternal
Fragrance, Calm, Sweet, To moderate something
Holy river, Intelligent, Intellectual, Progressive, Productive
Happiness, One who brings happiness in people's lives
Of, Relating to Nizam
Strong one
The guest of the princess
Miracle, Verses in the Quran
Ichchha, A lovely wish
Name of An ahl as-suffah
Beautiful, Like Moon, A bouquet of flowers
Friend of Islam
Brittle, A student of Hadith
Nag devta, Song, Tune or a melody, The tune or the melody
Merciful, Kind
Adornment, Beauty
Blacksmith, blacksmith
A prophets name, A Prophet's name, A variant transcription is Yunus
Beautiful, Gorgeous, Photograph, portrayal, beloved
Handsome, A handsome and good looking man
Bloom, Be successful, Persevering
One has many followers
Brightness of Moon, Brightness of moon.
A shafaee jurist, Abu Saeed
Grace of Allah, Bliss of all, Mercy of Allah, heaven of Allah.
Secure, Fearless, Trustworthy, Trusted, He who is loyal and trustworthy
Good, Useful, Pious, Virtuous, Just, She who is virtuous and devoted to God
Fearless, Different
Full of dew
Desire, A wish or a desire from the Almighty
Precious stone, Ring, Jewelry, The priceless gem or valuable gemstone.
Trust, Belief
Ally, Confederate, Ally, Supporter, Confederate
King of roses, A king of roses
Panther, Leopard
Another name of Ali, The generous, The giving
Month of january, One who is bright
Shining star
Responsible, Surety, Sponsor, Guarantor, Protector, Responsible, Sponsor, A variant spelling is Kafeel
Appearance, Manifestation, Flowers
Night, A black-haired woman born in the dark
Sky, Full with fragrance of the vast sky
Wise, Sensible, Intelligent woman
A narrator of Hadith
Another name of holy Quran, Good news, Good omens, Good Omens
Gods guest
Intellectual, A distinctly intelligent individual
A perceptive young woman
Good, Handsome, Name of saint, One of beauty and excellence
Immortal, A sweet person, one who is eternal sweet
A person at forefront
Straight, Pertinent, One with great strenght
Noble, Famous, Eminent, Outstanding, The person who is concentrating, alert and watchful.
For Almas, Diamond
Help, Support, Victory
Pillar of the faith (Islam)
Faithfulness, Loyal
Servant of the expander, Extender
Evening time, Real, Pure
(Daughter of Hassan)
Intelligent, Judicious, A brainy and intelligent woman
Praise of Allah, respect allah
Life, Life
Praise, Beautification
Friend of God, Title given to prophet Ibrahim
Name of a sahabiyah ra
Good luck
Shadow of Allah
Appearance, Face, Countenance, Vision
Beautiful, Countenance, Comely, Prettiness, Grace, Beauty, An Arabic name for a beautiful woman
Accepted, Admitted, Granted, A person who is aknoledged and accepted
Rarity, Rareness, The person not widely known.
To give freely, To endow someone with a gift
Successful, Turquoise, Gem stone, A winner, successful person
Tulip, Name of tulip flower in Pashto
A sweet dish, Resembling delicious food item.
Kindness of the truth (Allah)
Great, Exalted, Magnificent, The great one
Garden, Gulshan
Truthful, Sincere, She who speaks the truth
Pride, Nice, Great