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    PCOS Tests: The Power of Diagnostic Tests in Your Health Journey


    PCOS Tests: The Power of Diagnostic Tests in Your Health Journey

    Updated on 20 December 2023

    Medically Reviewed by

    Dr. Shruti Tanwar

    C-section & gynae problems - MBBS| MS (OBS & Gynae)

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    In today's fast-paced world, our health often takes a backseat amidst the chaos of our daily lives. When it comes to women's health, one condition that often goes undiagnosed and untreated is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). In this article, we will understand how PCOS tests can aid in an early diagnosis of this condition, how to prepare for them and how to interpret their results.

    How to Know If You Have PCOS?

    How do I know if I have PCOS has become a common question among women noticing PCOS symptoms. To determine if you have PCOS, you should consult with a healthcare professional who will evaluate your symptoms and conduct certain tests. The diagnostic process typically involves a comprehensive medical history review, physical examination, and laboratory tests.

    These tests may include blood tests to measure hormone levels, an ultrasound to check for cysts on the ovaries, and sometimes a pelvic exam. It's important to remember that only a healthcare professional can provide a definitive diagnosis of PCOS.

    What Tests are Done to Diagnose PCOS?

    When it comes to diagnosing PCOS, several tests are employed to assess hormone levels, evaluate physical symptoms, and rule out other conditions. The primary tests used to diagnose PCOS include:

    1. Hormone Tests

    Blood tests are conducted to measure hormone levels, including testosterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and insulin. These tests help identify hormonal imbalances that are characteristic of PCOS.

    2. Ultrasound

    A transvaginal ultrasound is performed to examine the ovaries for the presence of multiple small cysts. This imaging test helps in confirming the diagnosis of PCOS.

    3. Physical Examination

    The doctor may conduct a physical examination to assess signs of PCOS such as excessive hair growth, acne, and skin discoloration.

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    How to Prepare for PCOS Profile Test?

    If your doctor recommends a PCOS profile or panel test, it is essential to prepare adequately to ensure accurate results. Here are some important steps to follow before undergoing the test:

    1. Consultation with the Doctor

    Schedule a consultation with your doctor to discuss the test and any concerns you may have. They will provide specific instructions based on your medical history and current medications.

    2. Fasting

    Some PCOS panel tests require fasting before the blood draw. Typically, you will be advised to fast for at least 8-12 hours before the test. This ensures that the results are not influenced by recent food intake.

    3. Medication Review

    Inform your doctor about any medications or supplements you are currently taking. Certain medications can affect the test results, so your doctor may advise you to temporarily discontinue them.

    Can PCOS Blood Test Timing Affect the Results?

    The timing of a PCOS blood test can indeed impact the results, particularly for hormone levels. It is recommended to schedule the test during the follicular phase of your menstrual cycle, which is usually between days 2 and 5. This phase is characterized by low hormone levels and provides a more accurate baseline for hormone evaluation.

    If the blood test is performed during other phases of the menstrual cycle, such as the luteal phase, the hormone levels may be higher and could lead to a misdiagnosis or inaccurate interpretation. Therefore, timing plays a crucial role in obtaining reliable results from blood tests.

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    What Should Be the Ideal Results of Hormone Test for PCOS?

    When it comes to hormone tests for PCOS, ideal results can vary depending on the specific hormone being measured. Here are some general guidelines for hormone levels in PCOS diagnosis:

    1. Testosterone

    Elevated levels of testosterone are commonly observed in women with PCOS. The ideal range for testosterone levels is typically less than 55 ng/dL.

    2. LH and FSH

    Women with PCOS often have a higher LH to FSH ratio. A ratio of 2:1 or greater is suggestive of PCOS.

    3. Insulin

    Insulin resistance is a common feature of PCOS. Elevated fasting insulin levels or an abnormal glucose tolerance test may indicate insulin resistance.

    It is important to note that these levels may vary depending on the laboratory reference ranges. Interpretation should always be done in consultation with a healthcare professional.

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    Besides PCOS Blood Test, What Other PCOS Test Can the Doctor Recommend?

    Apart from blood tests and ultrasound, your doctor may recommend additional tests to gain a comprehensive understanding of your condition and rule out other potential causes of your symptoms. Some of these additional tests may include:

    1. Glucose Tolerance Test

    This test helps to assess insulin resistance and blood sugar control. It involves consuming a sugary drink and monitoring blood sugar levels over a period of time.

    2. Thyroid Function Tests

    Thyroid disorders often coexist with PCOS. Testing thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), free thyroxine (FT4), and thyroid antibodies can help detect any abnormalities.

    3. Lipid Profile

    PCOS is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. A lipid profile test measures cholesterol and triglyceride levels to assess cardiovascular health.

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    1. How much does PCOS test cost?

    The cost can vary depending on factors such as the type of test, location, and healthcare provider. Generally, the cost can range from Rs 1,500 to Rs 2,500. It is advisable to check with your insurance provider to determine coverage and out-of-pocket expenses.

    2. Is PCOS test done during periods?

    In most cases, hormone test for PCOS and ultrasound can be performed regardless of the menstrual cycle phase. However, for more accurate hormone evaluation, it is recommended to schedule blood tests during the early follicular phase (days 2-5) of the menstrual cycle.

    3. Which all tests are included in PCOS panel test?

    A PCOS profile test typically includes hormone tests such as testosterone, LH, FSH, and insulin. However, it is essential to consult with your doctor to determine the appropriate PCOS panel test for your situation.

    Closing Thoughts

    PCOS tests play a crucial role in diagnosing and managing this hormonal disorder. From hormone tests to ultrasounds, these diagnostic tools provide valuable insights into the underlying causes of PCOS and help healthcare professionals develop an effective treatment plan. By understanding the different tests involved, preparing appropriately, and discussing any concerns with your doctor, you can take control of your health journey and empower yourself to manage PCOS effectively. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and guidance tailored to your specific needs.


    1. Christ JP, Cedars MI. (2023). Current Guidelines for Diagnosing PCOS. Diagnostics (Basel).

    2. Bani Mohammad M, Majdi Seghinsara A. (2017). Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), Diagnostic Criteria, and AMH. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev.

    3. Robinson S, Rodin DA, Deacon A, Wheeler MJ, Clayton RN. (1992). Which hormone tests for the diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome? Br J Obstet Gynaecol.

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    Medically Reviewed by

    Dr. Shruti Tanwar

    C-section & gynae problems - MBBS| MS (OBS & Gynae)

    View Profile

    Written by

    Anupama Chadha

    Anupama Chadha, born and raised in Delhi is a content writer who has written extensively for industries such as HR, Healthcare, Finance, Retail and Tech.

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