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    How Can I Get Pregnancy News?

    Pregnancy Tests

    How Can I Get Pregnancy News?

    Updated on 3 November 2023

    Pregnancy is a life event that includes significant physiological and physiological adjustments for the mother. Several adaptations occur within each trimester with the end goal of promoting the growth of the foetus. When a sperm fertilizes an egg after it is released from the ovary during ovulation, pregnancy occurs. Then the fertilized eggs travel down to the uterus, where the implantation happens and results in pregnancy.

    For most people, deciding when to take a pregnancy test can be a main source of anxiety. Sometimes the stress can be because you want to be pregnant or sometimes because you don't want to be. To maximize your chance of getting an accurate reading, taking a pregnancy test at the right time is important.

    A week after a missed period is the best time to take a pregnancy test. Some tests may detect pregnancy one or two weeks after intercourse. However, the body needs time to increase the level of HCG. The risk of a false negative result can increase if you test before a missed period.

    How does Pregnancy Test work?

    There is always a chance for error, even with the most effective birth control methods, since it takes just one sperm to fertilize an egg. Finding out whether or not you are pregnant is as easy as taking an over-the-counter pregnancy test. Pregnancy tests generally test your urine for a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). It is present only if you are pregnant. The hormone is released if a fertilized egg attaches outside the uterus or to your uterine lining.

    To collect urine for the test, there are different ways. Depending on the test you prefer, you may have to:

    • Collect urine in a cup and dip a testing stick into the liquid in the cup.

    • Collect urine in a cup and use an eyedropper to move a small amount of liquid into a special container.

    • Place the testing stick into the expected urine stream region so it will catch the urine mainstream.

    Most tests are 99 per cent effective if taken after a missed period. The best thing is you can test for pregnancy in the privacy of your own home. Just open the test kit, follow the instructions and wait for the recommended period to view the results. After the recommended duration has passed, the test kit may display one of the following results:

    • A change in colour

    • A line

    • A plus or minus symbol

    • The words 'pregnant' or 'not pregnant.'

    How Soon Can You Take A Pregnancy Test?

    The best time to take a pregnancy test is a week after you have missed your period, as it helps to avoid false negatives and gives more accurate results. You should wait at least one or two weeks after you have had sex if you don't want to wait until you have missed your period. The body needs time to develop detectable HCG levels if you are pregnant. It typically takes seven to twelve days after the successful implantation of an egg to get pregnancy news.

    If your cycles are irregular or you don't know your cycles, do not take a test until you have passed the longest menstrual cycle.

    However, here are some signs that you should take a pregnancy test:

    • Swollen and tender breasts

    Soreness or tingling in the breasts is one of the most common indications of pregnancy. During early pregnancy, breasts fill out and change shape as they prepare to produce milk. For a few months, the breast may become tender and sensitive. Your areolas might also start to darken and enlarge. The soreness is temporary, and once the body gets used to increase hormones, the soreness fades away. You may also see that your breast has gotten larger, and your bra is tighter than normal.

    • A Missed period

    It is the most common and obvious sign that you may be expecting. Your body produces hormones that stop ovulation and the shedding of the uterus lining once conception happens. This indicates that the menstrual cycle has stopped, and you won't get your periods again until your baby is born. However, missing your period isn't always a sign of pregnancy. Stress, excessive exercise, dieting, hormone imbalance and other factors might also contribute to a missed period which may also cause irregular periods.

    • Frequent trips to the bathroom

    You may notice that you have to pee more than often before you even miss a period. This occurs because you have more blood than before. Your body's blood supply increases during pregnancy. Since your kidneys filter your blood and remove extra waste in the form of pee. You have to pee more since you have more blood in your body.

    • Fatigue

    In early pregnancy, many people feel extremely tired. This happens because of high levels of the hormone progesterone. Fatigue or tiredness tends to improve in the second trimester, like any other early pregnancy symptoms. However, it comes back in the third trimester.

    • Morning sickness

    This pregnancy symptom can happen anytime during the day or night, despite the name. Nausea starts as early as two weeks into pregnancy. There are various levels of nausea, and not everyone experiences it. Even though you feel nauseous, you never vomit. Even though nausea is fairly normal during pregnancy, it can become a problem if you are dehydrated. Pregnant women who can't keep down food and fluids due to extreme nausea have a condition called hyperemesis gravidarum. If you experience extreme nausea and dehydration, contact your doctor.

    What Are Some Less Common Signs Of Early Pregnancy?

    Some additional signs of early pregnancy are not common and may or may not happen to many people. It is also important to remember that everyone is different and experiences different symptoms during pregnancy. Some of the less common signs include:

    • Spotting

    It is also called implantation bleeding, and though it may seem like a bad indication, spotting can be a sign that an embryo has implanted in the lining of the uterus. Implantation typically happens about ten days after conception. Small drops of blood or a brownish discharge from the vagina look like implantation bleeding. It generally starts around the time of your regular period and can last for up to a few weeks. Some people think they have had just a light period and aren't pregnant while spotting.

    • Food cravings, constant hunger and food aversions

    During early pregnancy, food can be complicated. Many pregnant women begin to crave certain foods or feel constantly hungry. While some foods might seem unpleasant, some food items and flavours may seem wonderful during pregnancy. Food versions are also common throughout pregnancy, where you may dislike things you previously enjoyed.

    • Metallic taste in your mouth

    During the early stages of pregnancy, many pregnant women experience a metallic taste in their mouths. This happens when you consume certain foods throughout the day, and it tastes like you have a pile of coins in your mouth.

    • Headaches and dizziness

    During early pregnancy, headaches and lightheadedness are common. This results from hormonal changes in your body and your increasing blood volume.

    • Cramping

    Some people experience mild, period-like cramps that come and go over a few days. However, these cramps are mainly felt on one side of your body and may be severe. It could be a sign of ectopic pregnancy or other complications, so it is important to contact your doctor.

    • Mood swings

    You could experience mood swings as your hormones change. This can happen throughout pregnancy, and this is normal. It is important to contact your doctor if you ever feel anxious, depressed or have thoughts of harming yourself.

    • Congestion

    Some people experience a stuffy nose in early pregnancy due to increased hormone levels and blood. The mucous membrane becomes dry in your nose, causing you to bleed.

    • Bloating

    To have a noticeable baby bump may take several weeks or months. But the rise of hormones may cause your stomach to feel bloated and lead to more passing gas than usual.

    • Acne or skin changes

    The skin changes you experience result from increased hormones and blood volume. While some people may experience acne, pregnant women may glow and get clearer skin during pregnancy.

    The Best Time Of The Day To Take A Pregnancy Test

    The time of the day you take a pregnancy test is important to a certain extent. If you take the test in the morning, you are more likely to get an accurate result. It is true if your period is not yet late or only a couple of days late. At-home pregnancy tests work by discovering the hormone HCG in your urine. Your urine is more concentrated when you first wake up unless you get up at night to pee frequently. You are more likely to get a positive result if you are pregnant, meaning the proportion of HCG is a bit higher. While you can still take a pregnancy test in the middle of the day or at night, you are more likely to get a false negative, especially if you consume more water and your urine is diluted.

    How Accurate Are Pregnancy Tests?

    Most pregnancy tests claim 99% accuracy on the day of your missed period, but not for early results. For example, if you are expecting a period on Wednesday, Thursday would be the day of your missed period, and the test tends to be more accurate after your missed period. Different variables affect the accuracy of pregnancy tests. Some of these are:

    • When in your cycle, you carry the test

    • The moment of ovulation

    • How accurately do you follow the instructions

    • The period of the day you test

    Efficacy Of Early Testing

    Considering the pros and cons before taking a test before your missed period is important. It could give you inaccurate results and can be expensive for some people.

    The pros include:

    • Probability of getting a positive result.

    • If the test is positive, it relieves some of the stress during the two-week wait time.

    • Beneficial if you need to start or stop medications or other interventions.

    • It allows you to start lifestyle adjustments right away.

    The cons include:

    • Greater chances of false negatives.

    • Feeling disappointed due to negative results.

    • It could prove expensive.

    • Not accurate with HCG trigger shots.

    When To Get A Blood Pregnancy Test

    Some people wonder if they should take a blood test to confirm pregnancy. You may be thinking of taking the test yourself, or your doctor might have recommended it. However, a few things to know before taking a blood test. There are two pregnancy blood tests:

    • Qualitative pregnancy tests

    These tests measure whether hCG is present in your blood or urine. When you have enough pregnancy hormones, it gives positive results accurately and straight away. Generally, home pregnancy tests are qualitative.

    • Quantitative pregnancy tests

    These tests measure the proportion of hCG in your blood and are referred to as beta hCG tests. These tests are generally done to check how a pregnancy is progressing. For example, your doctor may recommend two beta hCG tests a few days apart to check whether the hCG level is increasing as expected. This might be crucial if you have had a history of miscarriages, trouble conceiving or if ectopic pregnancy is suspected.

    When Is A Blood Test Used?

    A blood test may be recommended if your period is late by several days and you are still getting negative at-home pregnancy tests. You can still be pregnant and get a negative test result at home, but it is rare. However, it is important to call your doctor and not just order a test. Since there might be other reasons besides pregnancy that your period might be late. Regardless, you don't need a blood test to confirm you are pregnant. If your at-home test says you are pregnant, you are likely pregnant.


    To get pregnancy news, taking a pregnancy test the day after your expected period and in the morning hours is important, with your first urine of the day. Typically, it takes seven to twelve days after the successful implantation of an egg to get pregnancy news.

    However, before taking an early pregnancy test, consider how you will feel if the results are negative. If you are pregnant, there are signs and symptoms mentioned above for confirmation. However, many signs and symptoms can also be caused by other health conditions. So it is better to consult your doctor if you feel something is wrong.

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    khushboo jain

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