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    Can We Eat Curd During Periods: Understanding the Dairy Dilemma

    Diet & Nutrition

    Can We Eat Curd During Periods: Understanding the Dairy Dilemma

    Updated on 13 November 2023

    When it comes to dietary restrictions during menstruation, there are numerous misconceptions and myths that have been passed down through generations. One such myth revolves around the consumption of curd during periods. Naturally, a lot of menstruating women find themselves asking the question, can we eat curd during periods.

    In this article, we will delve deep into the topic, debunking common myths and shedding light on the truth about eating curd in periods.

    Myths About Eating Curd During Periods & Their Truth

    Let us debunk some popular myths surrounding curd and periods:

    Myth 1: Curd Should Be Avoided During Periods

    There is no scientific evidence to suggest that consuming curd during periods is harmful. In fact, curd is a good source of calcium and probiotics, which can help with bone health and digestive comfort. It can be a healthy addition to your diet during menstruation.

    Myth 2: Curd Can Cause Excessive Bleeding

    Curd consumption does not lead to excessive menstrual bleeding. Menstrual flow is primarily regulated by hormonal factors, and what you eat is unlikely to have a significant impact on the flow. If you have concerns about heavy bleeding, it's best to consult a healthcare professional.

    Myth 3: Curd Makes Period Cramps Worse

    Curd is not known to exacerbate period cramps. In fact, the calcium in curd can have a calming effect on muscle contractions and may help alleviate cramps for some individuals. If you experience severe cramps, it's a good idea to consult a doctor for appropriate pain management strategies.

    Myth 4: Curd Can Lead to Vaginal Infections

    Curd, when consumed as part of a balanced diet, is unlikely to cause vaginal infections. In fact, probiotics found in curd can promote a healthy balance of vaginal flora and reduce the risk of infections. However, it's important to maintain good personal hygiene to prevent any potential issues.

    Myth 5: Curd Should Be Avoided Due to Its Cooling Nature

    Traditional beliefs suggest that curd has a cooling effect on the body, which might be undesirable during periods. However, this cooling effect is not a cause for concern. Your body temperature remains relatively stable, and eating curd is generally safe. If you prefer warmer foods during your period, it's a matter of personal comfort and preference rather than a strict dietary rule.

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    Can We Eat Curd During Periods?

    The question of whether it is safe to consume curd while menstruating has long been a subject of debate. According to popular belief, curd should be avoided during menstruation as it is believed to cause bloating and stomach discomfort.

    However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. In fact, curd is a rich source of calcium and probiotics, which can be beneficial during this time of the month.

    Can Curd Delay Periods?

    One of the common myths associated with consuming curd during menstrual cycle is that it can delay the menstrual cycle. This misconception stems from the belief that the cooling properties of curd can affect the hormonal balance in the body.

    However, there is no scientific basis to support this claim. Menstruation is a natural process regulated by the hormones in the body, and consuming curd is unlikely to have any significant impact on the timing of periods.

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    What are the Benefits of Consuming Curd During Periods?

    Contrary to popular belief, consuming yogurt during periods can offer several benefits. Here are five reasons why you should consider including curd in your diet during this time:

    1. Rich in Calcium

    Curd is an excellent source of calcium, which is essential for maintaining strong bones and teeth. During menstruation, women often experience a decrease in calcium levels, and consuming curd can help replenish these levels.

    2. Probiotics for Gut Health

    Curd contains probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that promote a healthy gut. These probiotics can help alleviate digestive issues such as bloating and constipation, which are common during periods.

    3. Relief from Cramps

    Curd contains natural enzymes that can help reduce menstrual cramps. The soothing properties of curd can provide relief from the discomfort associated with menstrual pain.

    4. Boosts Immunity

    The probiotics present in curd can also strengthen the immune system. During menstruation, when the body is more susceptible to infections, consuming curd can help fortify the immune system and ward off illnesses.

    5. Mood Enhancement

    Curd contains tryptophan, an amino acid that helps increase the production of serotonin, also known as the "feel-good" hormone. Consuming curd during periods can help improve mood and alleviate symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

    Precautions to Follow While Eating Curd in Periods

    While eating curd during periods can be beneficial, it is important to follow certain precautions to ensure maximum benefits. Here are five precautions to keep in mind:

    1. Choose Fresh Curd

    Opt for fresh, homemade curd or curd from a trusted source. Avoid consuming curd that has been stored for too long, as it may have lost its nutritional value and can potentially cause digestive issues.

    2. Moderation is Key

    As with any food, moderation is key. While curd is generally safe to consume during periods, excessive consumption can lead to bloating and discomfort. Stick to recommended serving sizes to avoid any adverse effects.

    3. Avoid Flavored Curd

    Flavored curd often contains added sugars and artificial additives, which can be detrimental to your health. Opt for plain, unsweetened curd to reap the maximum benefits.

    4. Listen to Your Body

    Every individual is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. Pay attention to how your body reacts to curd during periods. If you experience any discomfort or adverse effects, it is best to consult a healthcare professional.

    5. Maintain a Balanced Diet

    While curd can be a healthy addition to your diet during periods, it should not replace a balanced meal. Ensure that you are consuming a variety of nutritious foods to meet your body's needs during menstruation.

    The Bottomline

    In answer to the initial question- can we eat curd during periods, the belief that curd should be avoided during periods is nothing more than a myth. In fact, consuming curd during menstruation can offer several benefits, including providing calcium, promoting gut health, relieving cramps, boosting immunity, and enhancing mood. However, it is important to follow certain precautions, such as choosing fresh curd, consuming in moderation, avoiding flavored curd, listening to your body, and maintaining a balanced diet.


    Najafi N, Khalkhali H, Moghaddam Tabrizi F, Zarrin R. (2018). Major dietary patterns in relation to menstrual pain: a nested case control study. BMC Womens Health.

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    Written by

    Anandita Sharma

    Drawing on more than a decade of expertise in administration, Anandita Sharma currently serves as a content operations e

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