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    8 Ways to Empower Women with Digitalisation this International Women's Day


    8 Ways to Empower Women with Digitalisation this International Women's Day

    Updated on 3 March 2023

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    For over a century 8th March has been a special day for women across the globe. Commemorated as International Women’s Day, this date celebrates the achievements of women and raises awareness for gender equity.

    The United Nations’ theme for International Women’s Day 2023 is “DigitALL: Innovation and Technology for gender equality.” Let’s see how digitalisation has and can empower women to get out of their shells and work wonders.

    8 Ways Digitalisation Can Empower Women in India

    We can notice the impact of digitalisation in Indian women’s lives in the following ways:

    1. Financial autonomy

    For women to be truly empowered, they must have financial independence. With smartphones in our pockets, women can open their bank accounts online, send and receive money seamlessly and even apply for instant loans. Together, we can accelerate this cultural change and empowering women can be as easy as teaching them how to use a smartphone.

    2. Finding a voice

    Digitalisation is helping women find their voice and use it proactively. As a result, previously taboo subjects like sexual harassment, domestic abuse, female sexuality, and the gender gap are now in the spotlight when they were previously discussed privately, with males generally determining the narrative. The #metoo movement is just one of several initiatives that have gained momentum because to digital amplification.

    3. Entrepreneurship

    The rise of e-commerce and the Internet has opened new doors to independence for women and the chance to forge their paths in the commercial world. Women entrepreneurs, in particular, are thriving in the digital economy, where they may pursue their creative ideas from the comfort of home.

    4. Bringing mothers back to work

    Many women decide to stay at home and raise their children rather than pursue a job, but this is not always an option. There is a severe lack of places of business that even acknowledge the existence of breastfeeding mothers, much less provide a comfortable environment in which to do so. Owing to digital communication, including in the workplace, mothers today have more options than ever to balance work and childcare.

    5. Gender equality

    As per an Accenture report, Getting to Equal: How Digital is Helping Close the Gender Gap at Work, women benefit more than men from being digitally literate since it can help them at every stage of their careers. Armed with the right technology, women can and are breaking glass ceilings and moving up the career ladder.

    6. Building a community

    Social media has given women a place to talk to each other without worrying about getting into trouble. This lets them support, encourage, and lift each other. That's precisely what female Internet users are hoping to achieve. The digital age has allowed women to build a community where they can share their joys and express their concerns.

    7. Creating a safe space

    Digitalisation has also empowered women to understand the negative things that could hamper their safety in the internet world. Cyberbullying, online exploitation, blackmailing etc. Have become pretty prevalent these days. With the correct exposure to the internet, women now know more about it and can take steps to protect themselves from such bullying.

    8. Global job opportunities

    In general, women face more problems than men when finding jobs. The Internet is a tool that gives women a chance to explore job opportunities from every corner of the world. In today's world, every employer prefers to hire someone who is digitally literate rather than traditionally literate. Women's online presence has allowed them to find job opportunities across the globe.


    Technology and digitalisation have played a huge role in women empowerment, which has helped them grow financially and boosted their confidence par excellence. This International Women's Day, let's take a few minutes to salute all those women who have consistently made efforts to better their lives and the lives of women around them.

    Women are made of steel, and thanks to digitization for being the shine that helps them grow into stronger individuals each day.

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